How clairvoyance helps you to transform yourself


Aaarrgghhh! Have you ever experienced an identity crisis, a time in which you simply had no idea about who you wanted to be next?

Perhaps it happened after you finished school, or when you moved to a new city or town, or after your life changed in some other way. Suddenly, who you thought you were was up for grabs. You had to begin again, to decide who you wanted to be and how you wanted to transform yourself.

Maybe it was freeing for you to be able to create a whole new you. Or maybe you didn’t expect or desire the changes you found yourself in, perhaps after a tough break-up or the loss of a job. An illness may have done it for you, or some other loss.

However it happened, creating a new identity for yourself, a new self image, isn’t always the easiest thing to do.

To be able to see yourself having your life in a new way, without what was there before, requires courage on your part. Luckily you already have within yourself everything you need to create yourself anew. Some of it may just be dormant, or you aren’t aware of it yet. Believe it or not, you most likely created the challenges in your life just so you could wake up to your hidden powers, and grow.

Clairvoyance is an ability and a power that you already have, whether you know it or not.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see energy clearly, and also to create an image, a picture. It has nothing to do with fortune telling, though it is true that if you keep telling yourself you cannot have what you want, you are indeed predicting your own future.

Would you like to be able to see yourself as you truly are, without judging what you see? How about if you could see your future as you want it to be, and create that for yourself? You already have that power, and you've used it many times, consciously or not. When you step up and own it for yourself, you create big change.

Clairvoyance isn’t about showing off and proving to anyone else how powerful you are. Clairvoyance is a helpful tool, and a most valuable skill to develop. It’s about discovering this truth for yourself, and taking that first courageous step deeper toward getting to really know the most important person in your life – you. Once you do that, everything else is easy.

©Kris Cahill
‘Aarrrrgghh!’ ©Karas Cahill

Check out my YouTube Channel for my videos about energy awareness and being psychic.

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

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