The Relationship Reading
We learn about ourselves in our relationships, even when the lesson is difficult and painful.
Every relationship with others begins with the one we have with ourselves. This reading is a look at how and what you are creating in your relationship space now in your life.
What is working, and what isn't in present time with your spirit? Your questions are welcome too.
Included in this 45 minute session:
How is your relationship with yourself growing and changing?
A look at your relationship space, which is the space you have to enjoy relationships with others.
Any past time out of date relationships that you’d like to be done with.
Karma from past relationships.
Old agreements.
The relationships with the people who can clearly see and value you are the ones that bring the magic and possibility into your life.
The Relationship Reading is 45 minutes long, $150.00. Book your session.
“If the two of you agree about everything, one of you is unnecessary.”