About Kris
The making of a psychic
Kris Cahill in Decatur GA, November 2023
As a lifelong artist, learning how to work with my clairvoyance helped me include being psychic as one of my art forms. I love being a conscious skilled clairvoyant, and having this ability available for me in my daily life. Being a psychic reader has helped me see and appreciate the many ways that spirit works, and how incredibly powerful we each are when we have it for ourselves. Giving clairvoyant readings is one of my very favorite things to do. I’m always excited to see whatever shows up with each person I get to work with, and I’ve learned so much while looking at the spirit and energy of other people. It’s endlessly fascinating to me.
Since 2000, I’ve given thousands of psychic readings to clients worldwide. I’ve worked with businesses and groups of all kinds, as well as many individuals. I’ve learned what it means to have a space with the energy others are bringing to a session or reading. I’ve had a live radio show where I gave readings to call in listeners, and I’ve had two podcasts. I’ve also taught thousands of people in psychic classes over that time.
As a professional psychic, I’ve created and recreated my psychic business in numerous ways over the years. I’ve learned what it means to have a space for others to receive, while also having this practice for myself. I see that every single psychic has their own unique style and way of working, and there isn’t one size fits all in this space. I’m excited and thrilled to have the opportunity to work with others, and help them to see their own answers and truth for themselves.
How I started on this journey
My journey to becoming who I am now started with a desire to heal myself. I wasn’t sick and didn’t see myself as broken, but I wanted to know more about energy. I walked around for years knowing that I had the power to heal myself, I remember this as an inner knowing that felt very real to me. I didn’t yet know how this would work, but I knew it was real just the same.
Everything changed the day I walked into a psychic school in my hometown of Chicago, invited by a woman who taught there. Feeling a bit nervous about what to expect, it was fun to find myself in a place that felt so right for me. I began studying at this school, and found so much more than I’d expected. Turning on my clairvoyance was as real to me as going to art school for my artistic abilities. In fact, clairvoyant training felt a bit like an extension of art school, except it was much more grounded.
Before this major turning point in my life, I was the person who would try to heal and help others, sometimes to my own detriment. I didn’t know this at the time, but I was extremely sensitive to the energy of other people. I could feel their pain, and I would often ‘know’ what was going on with them before they told me. This was not a comfortable experience, and it was very unconscious on my part. I didn’t know how to control this for myself, so I tried to heal everyone! Needless to say, that didn’t work so well for me.
You can read more about my journey to becoming a happier conscious psychic and healer on my FAQ page.
I'm an enthusiastic practitioner of the tools I teach, and am grateful every day for all the helpers and inspiration in my life who got me to my first meditation class. Learning how to ground changed my entire life, for the better. This is one reason why I'm committed to teaching others how to work with energy and be psychic. I bring these vibrations along into the psychic classes and workshops I teach. I do my best to inspire others to see that they can create their lives to be how they want them to be.
I believe that it is up to each of us to do this, to create our true lives. When we do our own work, we help others do it for themselves too, and so we evolve and heal. Creativity, consciousness, and amusement inspire me – this is where magic happens.
We are having a brilliant rebirth on planet earth, no less than a r/evolution of the highest order. I’m excited to be here for this incredible time of transformation. What will we decide to create?
Psychic readings
I give clairvoyant and mediumship readings and healings throughout the week. We can work together online on Zoom, or you can have your session by phone. You can schedule your session through my online booking. Book a session with me.
I’ve seen people create miracles for themselves by deciding to become who they really are, listening to their bodies, finding their own energy and answers, letting go of what no longer serves them, and living in their truth. This is how we heal, each of us individually and together as a community of human beings on earth.
I see that you are a capable being. I know you have the ability to heal yourself. I see that you are able to create your life to be how you want it to be. It’s not up to anyone else. If you really want it, it’s yours. I’m not in judgment of how you decide to become you, and I can help you to see your way there.
You can, and already do, create your own future, and when you open up your consciousness to create for yourself, you also do this for others. Your life’s path, answers, and choices are not pre-determined or limited. Becoming conscious of your own spirit helps you to find your way and know your answers. Consciousness = big growth and beautiful change!
Psychic writer and artist
I write about being psychic in your everyday life. Read my articles on this site about energy, clairvoyance, meditation, spiritual growth, being psychic, energy healing, spiritual activism, and creativity. You can also find my writing and podcast at Substack at Kris Cahill, The Art of Being Psychic, and on Medium.
After taking a ten year hiatus from making paintings, I began painting again in 2020. Find my new work (and some from the archives) at my art website: KrisCahillArt.com.
Each of my newsletters features writing about energy and being psychic, as well as my latest podcast. Sign up below to receive my weekly Substack newsletter: