Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Meditation brings inspiration and helps me manifest my creations
My best creative ideas don't show up when I'm in effort.
I cannot be trying hard in order to have brilliant ideas flowing. If I want gorgeous inspiration to show up and grace me with its presence, I have to relax and let go of any sticky desperate effort energy.
Inspiration is energy, and so are all the beautiful fun ideas that show up. Sometimes I get my best ideas while sitting in my meditation chair, eyes closed, breathing and grounding and releasing old energy. Regular meditation also helps me to have the ideas that show up, instead of judging them or immediately saying ‘no’ because I run into an unconscious fear about my ideas.
Healing the spirit for over 40,000 years
The evolution of the human spirit is the evolution of creativity, and of art.
Art has been healing the spirit for over 40,000 years now. Art speaks to the spirit. When you work from your spirit, you and your life are more in line with what you came here to do and become.
Creativity is the key for survival for more reasons than just plain old survival.
Create a daily practice and commit to your dreams
'Whatever the Universe brings me’ is a phrase I’ve heard uttered more times than I can count.
When someone says this in front of me, my response is typically, ‘but what do you want?’.
If you don’t know what you want, and are ordering ‘whatever’ for your life, indeed ‘whatever’ is what will come your way. However, it may not be the same ‘whatever’ you thought you might have someday. You're the one who has to commit to your path in order to get where you want to be.
The art of being spontaneous and letting go of control
The possibility for unscripted, spontaneous beauty exists in every moment.
Out of control beauty is everywhere! When you are present in the moment, life's great improvisation flows in a magnificent way.
Your most fun memories might be from spontaneous, magical moments, events that occurred without a big plan. Things just happened, unexpected people showed up, and a beautiful time was had by all. The energy was perfect, without trying to make it that way.
Imagination, dreaming, and grounding
Grounding yourself helps you to dream big, and to make your big dreams real.
You've been dreaming your whole life, even when you weren't trying to do so. Creating a dream for your life is effortless, because it is you the being, the spirit of you, that dreams.