Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
How much do I love being clairvoyant? Let me count the ways.
Clairvoyance is something that you already have, whether you know it or not.
Clairvoyance has been working for you your entire life. You have effortlessly used this built in ability to see energy without thinking about it, or trying too hard.
Clairvoyance helps me to see myself clearly, and with love.
Becoming a clairvoyant helped me give myself permission to see myself my way, instead of depending on others to do this for me.
Clairvoyant teachers share what's fun about teaching the art of seeing energy
What’s it like to teach others how to turn on and use their psychic abilities?
I get to work with people from all over the world who are interested in learning how to turn on their own psychic abilities in a safe way, with skilled teachers who’ve been practicing and working with their own clairvoyant abilities for many years. I love my job!
Notes on Being a Professional Psychic Reader, part two
The demand to predict the future is intense, and often invalidating.
When you require predictions from outside of you for what is going to happen in the future, you invalidate your own spirit’s ability to see, know, and most importantly, create. You give away your power to create your future.
Psychic abilities are more fun to have when you feel safe
It’s not fun to be psychic if you don’t have control over your abilities.
When you can’t control how your psychic abilities are working, it can feel unsafe to be psychic. You might even feel like psychic abilities aren’t a positive creative thing to have in the first place.
Notes on reading books and people
I grew up an enthusiastic reader, and spent many happy hours with my nose in a book.
I’m grateful to have had parents who encouraged my love of reading, and had it for themselves too. Our house was a home filled with books and permission to create. From the beginning, reading books sparked my curiosity and sense of wonder, as well as my creativity.
Having your clairvoyance turned on is living in full color
If you want to have a more colorful life, learn how to use your clairvoyant ability.
Clairvoyance is the spiritual ability to see energy clearly. You were born with this - it’s the ability to see more than what is just in front of you, or presented to you. Clairvoyance makes it possible for you to see deep into a situation or energy, including your own, and to see the truth that might not be visible otherwise.
You are the book to read and the story to write
As a psychic teacher, people often ask me which books I read to learn about chakras, the aura, and psychic abilities.
I didn’t learn about these things from reading a book, so I offer my next best advice: ‘if you really want to learn about chakras and read auras, take the clairvoyant training’ I say. Yes, but which books, they ask, surely there have got to be books that will help me be psychic.
You already are psychic. It is helpful to know that you cannot learn how to give a psychic reading from a book.
You can learn to take control of your psychic abilities
Your psychic abilities are real and belong to you.
But what do you do with unwanted psychic information?
When you feel like you don’t have control over the energy and information coming into your awareness and space, you’re not the one in charge of your psychic abilities. It’s like having a beautiful car to drive, except that you never get to decide where you’re going. Something else, some other agenda, comes in to drive your energy, instead of you. Before you know it, you have a dent and a flat tire, and you didn’t even get to see what you wanted to see!
Clairvoyance is not about predicting the future
The demand to predict the future is intense, and often invalidating.
When you require predictions from outside of you for what is going to happen in the future, you invalidate your own spirit’s ability to see, know, and most importantly, create. You give away your power to create your future. If you get stuck in believing that others outside of yourself have this power, they will gladly choose for you.
Each of us has dreams, desires, and wishes.
Affinity is a spiritual ability from the heart
Affinity is a spiritual ability contained within the 4th chakra, an ability every bit as important as the abilities to be safe, feel energy, see clearly, and so on.
Each of your seven main chakras contains information about you and your abilities – survival, emotions, energy, affinity, communication, clairvoyance, knowingness – to name a few of your numerous spiritual abilities. The 4th chakra, also known as the heart chakra, is positioned in the middle of the 7 chakras running up the spine, right at the heart. This chakra is the bridge between the lower 3 body chakras and the upper 3 spirit chakras.
The 4th Chakra rules Affinity and Love – love of others, yourself, your creations.
On making psychic predictions
Some psychics proudly proclaim their accuracy in making psychic predictions.
There is a great demand for predictions about the future, especially when everything is changing so rapidly that it's hard to keep up. People want to know what’s going to happen next, and when. Psychics are expected to predict the future, and this is what a lot of people think a psychic reading is supposed to be about.
Human beings fear the unknown because we cannot control it. For that matter, we have no control over what we already know, but that doesn't stop us from trying to exert all of that pointless control.