Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Clairvoyant notes on scarcity and competition
Are scarcity and competition the best way to do things, or can we choose a more creative cooperative path?
So much of what we are taught from the beginning of our lives is unconscious. We all learn from watching how others around us deal with emotions, challenges, and opportunities, or lack of.
Agreements make the world go round
Being conscious to the agreements I've made with myself and others is part of my self care practice.
I learned about spiritual agreements in my clairvoyant training.
In my search for answers to questions and problems that had been bothering me for years, I finally signed up for a meditation class.
Joy and Grief
I am the first born of a family that became 6 children, two parents, and an assortment of dogs over the years.
My brother Jack was born 13 months after me, so we were kinda like Irish twins, in that we were closest in age for a while and hung out together a lot as kids. We actually liked each other and didn’t fight or compete too much, as I recall. He was also my partner in crime for a few capers when we were quite small, and again later on as teenagers.
When it's time to commit, and when it's time to let go
Should you stay, or should you go?
Is what you are committing your energy to, still working for you? I am the last person to tell you what you should do. You may have a few well-meaning folks who are only trying to … ahem - help, by making sure you know what you should do.
Updating my agreements with myself
Agreements, among other things, make the world go round.
Every aspect of life has agreements attached, both conscious and unconscious ones.
Conscious agreements include the agreement to speak the truth, and to hear that truth.
Are you allowed to know your own truth?
Are you the one who’s in charge of knowing what’s true for you?
When your truth is inconvenient for someone, they will try to convince you that they know best what’s true for you. If you allow others to convince you that what you know isn't true, you’re letting them curate your truth for you.
Who broke the rules?
A recent post at this blog, ‘Who made the rules you follow?’, examined some of the unwritten social rules that we follow, both consciously and unconsciously.
These rules are agreements by which we live our lives. As we have seen throughout human history, breaking a social rule can lead to punishment ranging in seriousness from being ostracized or shunned, to excommunication, banishment, imprisonment, or even execution.
Despite the threats of punishment, there are many who broke the rules, and thereby transformed the old agreements.
Who made the rules you follow?
We are all, each of us, fortunate to know different kinds of people.
It can be so much fun to hang out with friends and family, bounce ideas off of each other, share our lives and our thoughts, and be part of a group of people, a community. There are many amazing people to meet and get to know. No two humans are exactly alike, and we need the differences in opinion, outlooks, likes and dislikes, that we bring to each other.
I see peaceful people wherever I go
Being peaceful is easier than it seems.
We think it has to be hard to have peace, but it can be this simple. If you want to see peace on this earth, in your city, and in your lifetime, create peace within yourself, and carry it with you wherever you go. By your example, others will see that they can do this too. You bring them the gift of peace.
You become an inspiration for this healing because of your own commitment to healing from the wars that rage constantly on this planet, and have done so for much of human history.
Have your space by being who you are
When you give yourself the freedom to be exactly who you are, you have space.
When you allow yourself to take up space without having to explain yourself to anyone else, you have enough room to breathe and to be. You have the right to exist, and you know why you’re here.
You are here to learn who you are. This isn't anyone else's job, only you can do it. You have permission to make your own decisions without waiting for approval from anyone else, when you choose to be yourself.
Reinvent yourself from the ground up
If you’ve been waiting until the time was right to reinvent yourself, what are you waiting for?
There has never been a more perfect time than now. If you’ve been waiting for permission to grow, consider announcing to yourself that the time is now. You don’t have to say anything to anyone else if you don’t want to. You don't have to make it nice and explain yourself and your changes. Just do them.
Sometimes people wait to take big steps until they’re certain that others won’t notice, or mind, or get upset that they are changing.
The sounds of life
What if people sang out loud, just because they felt like it?
What if this was a normal thing to do, to express one’s feelings with music instead of judging whether one was ‘good enough’ to be allowed to do so?
What would it be like to hear ‘hello’ from every stranger you met?
What if cars had no alarms?
What if leaf blowers were never used?