Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
The opportunity to grow and change is why you're here
You chose to have a body this lifetime in order to experience, grow, and change.
There is no mistake as to why you showed up now. You arrived on earth at a time of deep lasting spiritual evolution so that you'd have lots of room to grow. Even if you have no idea how you'll do this, don't worry! You already are.
We all change, whether we like it or not. Our bodies constantly change, and we all accept this as being normal. The attitude we have with the inevitable and natural changes within and around us, determines how we experience the growth we are having.
What if life is a party and you’re invited?
If you want to enjoy the celebration of life, you must show up in person.
It’s hard to enjoy yourself at a party when you don’t feel well, or are grappling with major issues in your life.
You don't feel like being the life of any party when you don't feel good. You don't want to be around people at all, much less a lot of them in a social situation. Your first inclination is to go home, crawl into your bed, and stay there until the storm passes.
The work you do on you, helps you to do your work
The time you spend giving to and healing yourself, is time well invested.
Sometimes I allow myself to get so busy with my work and activities that I run myself down. I’ve been primarily self employed for most of my adult years, and in my ever present enthusiasm to create my latest thing, I shirk my responsibilities to my body from time to time.