Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
An attitude of certainty will get you there
The energy of certainty can be defined as having ownership.
What you choose to own in your life, is up to you. Being certain doesn’t mean you have to be perfect or prove your case to anyone else. Certainty has more to do with your confidence level. Do you believe in what you are saying? Are you able to be certain about your own next step? Have you cleared the doubt out of your way?
Certainty is a vibration of energy.
What’s your body’s status update today?
If you asked your body right now to give you a status update, what would it say?
Would you hear something along the lines of ‘Happy today, feeling good with pretty toes!’, or perhaps more like ‘Tired sluggish blah want some more coffee or a nap’? If you haven’t given this matter much thought recently, or have the idea that it isn’t up to you, that it’s out of your control, you may want to sit up and take notice of your body.
Your body’s attitude and energy at any given moment has a lot to do with you, and you have enormous power to help and heal your own body.
Is it time for peace talks with your body?
Do you see your body as a ‘frienemy’?
You may have believed a lie about your body. Perhaps the lie is that it’s flawed, too thin, too fat, or just not right somehow. You may not fit into the perfect ideal presented constantly in our culture, everywhere you look. You may believe that your body is wrong, and so you fight with it, every day.
You may believe that the spirit is superior to the body, and so you leave your body to fend for itself, without listening to its cries for attention.
Thank you, for being you
You may not realize what a gift you are, simply for existing and being yourself.
Nobody else has ever been just like you. The exact combination of stuff that is you, is one of a kind. Because of this, you don’t really have any competition, and you don’t ever have to be anything but you. Your spirit is unique in all of time, and nobody else can replace you.
The best part of this is that you get to decide how and who you want to be. Sometimes, because of this uniqueness, you may feel invalidated.
What is your inner voice telling you?
What do you say to yourself, and how do you say it?
Do you speak to yourself as if you trust and value you? Do you listen to your inner voice? Are you kind to yourself? Can you sing out loud, tell yourself jokes, and reassure the timid, scared parts of you that you’re okay? Or do you judge yourself for being less than you think you should be?
Are you even on speaking terms with yourself? Or do you go for long stretches without remembering that you have an inner voice? Do you tell yourself that you love you? Do you compliment yourself for doing something well, and thank yourself for being brave?
What happens when you believe in yourself?
When you choose to believe in yourself, you’re ignoring the status quo that says you require approval from others in order to proceed with your belief in you.
Following the rules (someone else’s rules) isn’t on your agenda. Your spirit is self employed, and you’re following your internal truth. You’re not taking memos from others. You evolve this way, just by choosing to believe in you.
A belief in yourself is a positive ‘yes!’ to your spirit and its ability to move you in your life. Trust and faith are present and working their magic
Self healing begins with self love
This week’s healing tip: learn to give yourself the gifts of self-love, acceptance, and kindness, daily.
There is no healing substitute for self love. No other energy coming from anywhere or anyone is as powerful as the energy you give to yourself. Your attitude towards yourself matters.
You don’t have to prove it or earn it, but you deserve your own admiration and appreciation just for being alive. Especially if you are prone to bouts of self flagellation because you’ve made mistakes, or didn’t get enough items checked off your make-believe to do list, or somehow feel you’re not worthy.
Is your self image in present time with you?
One of the most important aspects of you as a being, is how you see yourself.
Your self image becomes your way of being in the world. How you see yourself matters to your life, and to your enjoyment of being you. Nobody else can convince you that you are worthy, or that it’s okay for you to have your life for yourself, if you don’t believe it too.
If you see yourself as capable, you’re more likely to reach out for something you want, and you’re more willing to take risks. When you have a present time positive self image, it’s easier to step out and be seen, and to shine.
Dare to be different from all the rest: be yourself
You already are one of a kind. All you really need to do to be different, to stand out in a crowd, is to be yourself.
This works even better if you can also love who you are, and own your own self image. ‘But who am I?’ you may well ask yourself, "can I really be myself?".
It’s your job to find this out. Along the way, others will attempt to help you do this, by telling you who they think you are. Most of them don’t really know, because nobody knows you better than you know yourself.
Validation from within gets you where you want to be
If you want it to be real for you, you've got to find your validation from within yourself.
Validation is a spiritual vibration that affects you on every level, but especially in your emotions. You can feel validation from within.
Don’t take it personally, but it’s all about you
Each of us has experienced having our feelings hurt, whether it was unintentionally through another’s careless words and actions, or from someone who hurt us on purpose in order to see us suffer.
It’s hard to not take it personally when you feel mistreated and overlooked. It’s not fun to feel left out, ostracized, or insulted, no matter how old you are.
Oh for the love of self
The parts of me I loved fiercely as a young girl were my certainty and strength.
At age 5 I was brave, with a fierce sense of right and wrong, and a natural love of myself.