Would you like to help create the future?


Everything begins with energy. An idea is energy, as is a vision.

A strong image is a powerful thing. If you don’t believe me, go ask the advertising industry. Your vision can create the future.

If you’re interested in influencing and changing the way people see things, and how they might act in return, you’ll need a compelling vision or image to show them. People respond to imagery, and often do so unconsciously, emotionally, or instinctively.

You might have an original idea, a vision you are committed to, whether it’s your art, business, or a service you offer. Perhaps your vision is a new way to teach, heal, create peace on earth, or inspire people to think and behave differently. Maybe you have a vision for the future that isn’t a reality yet but you know it could be.

You feel it deeply, and you have a passion for this vision.

You are the only one who can bring your original vision to the world, so keep at it. Your vision will help create the future. Some people are so inspired by the greatness of a true visionary that they work from this person’s vision, and find their own truth within it. This is a brilliant way that we influence and help each other continue to move forward.

So again, if you have a vision of healing, peace, and love, we all need you to bring it forward. I am a clairvoyant, and it’s my job to see energy, to read spirit. I see that every human being has free will and the power to create the future. This is far more interesting than making predictions, in my book.

It’s also what we already do, as human beings – we create. We are evolving constantly, because we change, create, and grow.

You also have the ability to visualize, and to create what you see.

So, with all this power to visualize, why not use it to create real change? It’s up to each of us to do so – instead of waiting for others to step forward, why not you?

I would like to suggest that, beginning now, today, you start to create your new vision. Every second you spend seeing what you’d like to become, do, and have, is valuable. Imagine life as you’d like to live it. Imagine the world you want to live in.

Be ready to change your own attitudes, as well as yourself. Change of any kind always begins with the spirit, it begins within.

“No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.” -Helen Keller

©Kris Cahill

Check out my YouTube Channel for my videos about energy awareness and being psychic.

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


Creating new pictures for your life is a clairvoyant act


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