The Creativity Reading
Whether you paint, draw, build, sculpt, perform, sew, write new worlds and realities into existence - you yourself are the energy that makes the art become real.
Being an artist can often feel like a solitary lonely path, even when you know many others who are on this path as well. Even if you are working with others to create something, you still have to do your own work, to dig in and find that nugget that only you can bring forward into the world.
Nobody else can create for you, and nobody else can create what you will create, when you’re coming from your own truth as an artist. You don’t have to know all the answers or how to get there, the trick is doing the work required to make your art.
In this reading, I’ll look at some specific energies around your creativity and creative space:
Having joy in your creative space: permission to create for yourself, just because you like to do so.
Permission to fail, make ‘ugly’ art, and make messes.
Can you create to simply have that experience, or do you handle demands to produce something for others?
Making time and space for your creative practice.
Having the space to take risks in your creative space.
How your creative practice gives to you, body and spirit
There will be time at the end to ask a question or two!
The Creativity Reading is 45 minutes long, $150.00. Book your session.
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”