10 ways to protect your energy


Your energy is the most precious resource you have.

You're going to need plenty of your own energy to create what you want to have in your life. Every single thing you have or do or create, requires energy. Even the simplest everyday activities have an energy load.

You give and receive energy all day long. When you are conscious about the energies you allow into your space, and how you spend your own energy, you protect yourself. This makes it possible to have your energy work for you.

Here's a few suggestions for how you can protect your valuable energy.

1. Know yourself.

In order to protect your energy, it helps to know it first. How do you protect something if you’re not sure what it is to begin with? You may not fully understand how unique you already are, until you learn who you are. This is not something anyone else can tell you. You have to do it yourself.

Your energy is the most valuable and precious thing you have. Energy is what you are made of, and your own true energy is the only one of its kind. You are a unique spirit, and it’s your job to decide who you are as a spirit, to know yourself.

2. Love yourself.

If you are waiting for others to convince you you’re lovable before you’ll love yourself, you may forget that love begins within. When you decide to love you, imperfections and all, you create natural protection for your own energy, because you’re not constantly leaving yourself to find that love outside of you somewhere. This also makes it easier to attract people who think you’re amazing.

One of the best ways you can protect your own unique energy is to decide to love yourself. Think of those times in your life when you woke up to the truth of something, and suddenly realized what you had and how valuable it is. That’s what it feels like to see your own truth, and to love what you see.

3. Don’t hang around with energy vampires.

Anyone who leaves you feeling like your energy has been sucked away is probably feeding on you just like a bloodsucker. Walk away without guilt. Don’t hang around with people who invalidate you, talk down to you, and otherwise take your energy. Protect yourself by refusing to play along with that game.

4. Let go of needing to be perfect.

If you keep thinking there’s something wrong with you, you’ll invite other energies into your space, thinking you’re missing something and need to ‘fix’ you. Striving for perfection is stifling, and will stop you from taking chances and risks that can help you to grow. Growth is why you’re here, and sometimes it’s messy. If you find yourself around people who expect you to be perfect, realize it’s their problem, not yours, and try to get away as soon as possible.

5. Don’t depend on others to tell you who you are.

It can be challenging to begin looking for yourself, to step out of the ‘safe’ boundaries set up by the group agreements you grew up around, and start to question. You’ll know you’re on the right track when you begin listening to that still small voice within, the inner you, your gut instincts and feelings. A surefire sign you’re living someone else’s life is when you just can’t summon the energy to take actions you once thought made sense.

Making sense isn’t the same thing as deciding to live in your own truth, even if you have no idea what that truth is yet. If you’ve been depending on others to tell you who you are and who they think you should be, you may miss the great adventure that awaits you when you decide to look for yourself.

6. Practice grounded meditation.

Grounding is a way of connecting your body to the earth, which protects you and your body. By using this technique, you create more space within yourself, and open up a myriad of possibilities. Grounding is a technique that continues to grow for you, the more you practice it. Grounding allows you to let go of unwanted energy safely.

7. Learn to let it go.

Let go of feeling guilty, of not being perfect, of being wrong, of trying to solve all the problems. Let go of the anger, the pain, the grief, the grudges. Some things will be easier to let go of than others, but do practice letting go. Your body and spirit will thank you for it. The only person you hurt by holding onto all of this energy is you.

8. Don’t take it personally.

Most of the time it isn’t personal at all. When something comes your way that feels very personal, ask yourself this: is someone trying to control you, or get you to heal him or her? It’s still not personal, it’s really more about them than it is you. Let it go.

9. Get rid of responsibility that isn’t yours.

Do you think you're in charge of healing the world? No, you’re actually not. Learn the difference between what is and isn’t your responsibility. Hint: if you seem to be the person that everyone calls whenever they have a crisis, you may be being responsible for others in ways that aren’t healthy for you. That’s a lot of heavy energy you’re taking on.

10. Let go of control.

The only place you have real control at all is your own space. This includes your body and spirit, and ends at the edge of your aura, about 2 feet away from your body. If you continue to insist on trying to control others or events outside of you, you may take on a lot of energy that doesn’t work for you. Learn to let go of control and heal yourself.

©Kris Cahill
'Nice Flower' ©George Hodan on PublicDomainPictures.net

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


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