What is it that makes you unique?


It’s your spirit that makes it possible for you to stand out, and be uniquely you.

If you thought it was the attention from others that made you stand out and be seen – as in how many fans you have, and how popular you are, you may want to check again. Your popularity in the outside world can be very separate from the truth of who you are, deep within.

There’s no other like you, you are one of a kind – and when you find the courage to be the unique you that you are, you can create your true life. It does take the kind of still quiet courage one finds by going deep within and speaking truth in that place.

If you’ve been defining who you are by how others perceive you, you’ll get lost. If you let the outside world tell you who you are, you’ll never really know.

What works better is to find out for yourself, and be that.

You don’t need to explain, apologize, or hide. There is no perfect, and you might make mistakes along the way. Expect to do so – give yourself permission to learn, experiment, and play. There is no instruction manual to refer to, you’re writing it as you go along.

Remember that you are clearing out years and years of trying to be what you thought you should be, or what you thought would work. If you thought it was your job to heal everyone else, you might have given up your own dreams in the process. When you wake up to this and decide to make it so that your life and energy are your own, you’ll begin to live your own truth. It will be easier for you to create what it is you really want to have.

There is no road map with which to find your unique way – you’re it. The way to begin is to decide you want to do so, and then to travel in the direction of yourself.

“Life is either a great adventure or nothing at all” ~ Helen Keller

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


Journey to your heart’s truth


What energy are you wearing today?