Color and Clairvoyance: ways of seeing
Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash
As an artist, clairvoyant, healer, and human being, I’m in love with color.
My obsession with color works well for me as an abstract painter and clairvoyant. I feel color, and even when I’m not painting or reading energy, I’m thinking of color. Ideas for colors to mix, experiment and work with in a painting show up all the time. I have my purple, blue, green, red, pink, turquoise, yellow, and orange days. I see and feel the vibration I want, and I’m off on a new color adventure for a bit. I have complete permission to change this any time I like, I can shift gears and move from one color to another easily.
This is true for painting, and it’s true for energy. Energy can be seen as color, it’s a primary tool that clairvoyants use to see energy clearly.
I see and work with the energy, the spirit of color. My clairvoyance leads me on my creative journey, whether I’m creating myself, a painting, a new reading, a class, or a delicious meal. I look for new ways to create conversations between colors. They tell stories together. Colors have relationships, and I’m interested in learning more about how to work with them. It’s endlessly fascinating to me.
We each have our own color preferences, often since we were children.
The color choices available for you as a child influenced your preference, as well as the colors prevalent for the generation you were born into - some of the colors of my generation were avocado green, harvest gold, burnt orange, and denim blue. What was in fashion in your formative years can help to determine your color preferences, or the opposite - which colors you avoid. I’m not a fan of avocado green, harvest gold, and burnt orange, not the 1970’s versions anyway. But I still love dark indigo blue.
Color brings memory and emotions, sometimes conscious, often not. An entire scene from childhood replays when we see that dark brown paneling someplace and remember a room we grew up in. Maybe you don’t like a color because it doesn’t appeal to your sense of style or imagination, maybe it has an uncomfortable memory attached.
Perhaps it’s so subconscious that you’re unaware of why a particular color rubs you the wrong way. The energy feels off.
Color has emotion, meaning, and symbolism.
Color has meaning for everyone - we use it to show our allegiances with our beliefs, to voice our consent or agreement, to show solidarity, and for our business branding. The rainbow flag started to become the symbol to communicate support for the LGBTQ+ communities in 1975, when the very first rainbow flag was designed at the request of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in this country. It’s evolved and been redesigned many times since then, and is a powerful symbol whose colors mean many things. Our political parties have their own colors, as do sports teams, schools, gangs, corporations, the military, national flags, and so much more.
Color meanings are programmed into each of us from an early age, starting with gender preferences. In the 21st century, we are all familiar with the color pink for girls and blue for boys, but did you know that the original color for boys was pink, and blue was for girls, in America, in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s? Clothes were starting to be color coded by manufacturers to make it easier to organize and sell them, and somehow that stuck over time and became ‘normal’ and How It Always Was. Because pink was close to red, it was decided by some at the time that it was a stronger color than blue, so of course it should be for boys.
Somehow over the years, pink was rebranded with a new meaning, now it was a softer girly color, and blue became the boy color. Until indigo blue jeans, which became everyone’s favorite go to garment for all genders, and a symbol for an entire generation.
Our color preferences can and often do change, not just because of fashion or advertising or popularity. Maybe a new color comes along and suddenly you love that color, or you see it someplace and it sings for you, you have a new favorite. A clairvoyant way of seeing this is now you’re seeing and working in a new vibration, maybe welcoming in new growth, or a new part of you that has shown up, which can be seen as color.
We change colors at the changing of the seasons. The earth’s colors change consistently and constantly. You might change the colors you wear, live with, or surround yourself with. Color is energy.
Color is one way your spirit and body communicate together.
What does any of this have to do with clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is a way we can navigate through all of this. Clairvoyance is not polite, not by a long shot. It’s not rude either, but remember that in our society, and maybe in your family, group, religion, culture, job - we Don’t Talk about certain things. To do so runs the risk of being labeled rude.
Maybe we’re not supposed to discuss money, or feelings or our opinions, or politics, or that weird feeling we have around someone we don’t trust. Whatever is considered uncomfortable or inappropriate by whoever is setting the rules of discussion, is not up for discussion. As children we don’t understand this, because we can see the thing clearly and so we ask questions. We are all born able to see the energy around us. Why won’t the adults talk about this?
And as children we are told, when we ask the hard questions about what we are seeing, “Shh! Don’t be rude. That’s not nice.” No wonder we turn off the ability to see. We are told to not be consciously aware, and for gods sake don’t even look at! - something others don’t want to be aware of. Like the elephant in the middle of the room, it’s there and isn’t going away on its own. Everyone is supposed to pretend and just tiptoe around it.
One example is the issue of gun control, and the fact that children in our schools today actually have active shooter drills. But let’s not even discuss gun control in a meaningful way, we’ll just keep pretending this is normal.
Other uncomfortable topics include: climate change, women’s right to control their own bodies, white supremacy, human rights, income inequality, in fact - the issues raised by progressives and activists. Some people keep insisting these aren’t real and we should therefore not discuss, much less really look at and see any of them. Let’s ban these books instead, they’re the real problem! Corporate owned media does its best to ignore anything real, with the result that many people do not see what’s really happening. But these issues do not go away, and nothing gets better, if nobody will look directly at the energy and the pictures.
If nobody wants to see, they will not see.
Along comes clairvoyance, charging in all rude and looking at everything that others don’t want to see.
Hey, look at that! says Clairvoyance. Those with their hands over their eyes say ‘but that’s not real, there’s nothing there!’, and then start making up their Emperor’s new clothes stories that they claim are all that is real.
But Clairvoyance, which only works when Non-Judgment comes along, won’t be deterred. I see it! says Clairvoyance, it looks like this to me. Take a look!
‘That’s not real’ say those who won’t see. ‘There’s nothing to see’.
Jesus said that he spoke to the people in parables “because seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not.” “There are none so blind as those who will not see” is attributed to writer John Heywood, in 1546.
One of the guiding principles of clairvoyance is that if nobody wants to see a thing, it won’t be seen. It takes a brave person to speak up and call it out, to say ‘hey, look at that’. That person is a clairvoyant. A clairvoyant breaks rules when they will not avoid looking, which makes clairvoyance a revolutionary act and very powerful tool to have.
The thing they are seeing might be something being hidden, something others want to remain unseen, and it could also be seeing your own light, truth, power, and beauty.
An added bonus is that just by seeing something, and saying hello to it, ie; acknowledging that it exists, the energy around it starts to shift, to evolve. Seeing creates change, it makes it possible for more change to happen.
This is where working with color, pictures, and energy comes in. This is a world, an art form, that I am very familiar with. I learn something new every time I look, every time I say hello to an energy, every time I choose to see. It’s never exactly the same, because energy changes all of the time.
This is true for you in your life, and it’s true for me in mine. When we decide to see, we create change. We evolve. We can choose to create new pictures for our lives and our world.
If you’re interested in starting to turn on and work with your own clairvoyance, contact me here.