How much do I love being clairvoyant? Let me count the ways.

My love letter to the creativity, healing power, and magic of clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance is something that you already have, whether you know it or not.

Clairvoyance has been working for you your entire life. You have effortlessly used this built in ability to see energy without thinking about it, or trying too hard. It’s innate, natural. Every time someone tells you something, you see a picture or come up with your own vision of what they’re saying. You do this when you read a story, listen to one, or hear others speak. You imagine or see it in your mind’s eye, it’s effortless and normal to do this.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see energy clearly, which enhances every other aspect of your life. The ability of clairvoyance allows you to create an image, a picture, which really comes in handy when you’re imagining your life to be how you want it to be.

Even if you lose your physical sight, or have it lessened in some way, your spiritual sight works for you. Having access to your spiritual sight, your clairvoyance, makes it easier to find your way out of any stuck energies you might find yourself caught in.

Clairvoyance is a psychic ability, and it has nothing to do with fortune telling.

Being psychic is about energy awareness, and clairvoyance is just one of the many psychic abilities available to each of us: clairvoyance (clear seeing of energy), clairaudience (hearing energy), mediumship, clairsentience (feeling energy), telepathy, healing abilities, and more. None of this is about being able to make predictions, tell fortunes, or control others.

As a practicing clairvoyant, I love working with this ability, and have developed my skill with this over 25+ years of use and practice. I am grateful to have had a good grounded clairvoyant training that allowed me to open this up and find my own way as a clairvoyant. I realized very early on that this is an art form, one I wanted to create with!

There are many reasons why I love being clairvoyant, and here’s just a few:

  • When I first learned how to turn on my clairvoyant ability, I was in awe of how it felt. The memory that stands out was the feeling of freedom I had when I learned how to set up my space so I felt safe enough to really look. That feeling has only grown and deepened over the years.

  • As I learned how to use my clairvoyance consciously, I started to find validation that I was really seeing energy clearly. Some of this happened by practicing with fellow students and validating each other. I was also starting to understand at a knowing level when I’d seen something for what it is, in other words, I could validate it for myself.

  • Learning to see clearly and then communicate what I was seeing helped me become clearer in my own everyday communication. I started to move out the energies that wanted me to not speak my truth.

  • Clairvoyance is colorful! Color is one of my favorite things, and as a clairvoyant reader and healer, I get to work with the energy of color in so many ways. Our bodies, emotions, and spirits all respond brilliantly to color - it’s healing!

  • Turning on my clairvoyance helped me become an abstract painter, which I’d had little permission to do before. Suddenly a whole new level of wild abstract painting was available for me.

  • I can sit and exchange readings with a clairvoyant friend, and in minutes clear out what previously felt like unmovable heavy energy, pain, fear, and unconsciousness. Being a conscious clairvoyant is deeply healing for me, and for those I read too.

  • Practicing this art of clairvoyance has helped me see myself more truly and clearly, and let go of harmful negative self image pictures and attitudes.

  • Curiosity and non judgment are two ‘side effects’ that show up with a committed clairvoyant practice. These two are crucial for clear seeing.

  • Amusement rocks clairvoyance. Even when what I am reading or trying to see is anything but funny, working with an amused spirit helps me see. Another way to put this is I’ve learned how to get out of the way when I look at something clairvoyantly.

  • Walking a clairvoyant path is very much about spiritual growth. I’ve grown in ways I wouldn’t have without this.

  • Some of my favorite nerds are the clairvoyants in the room. They’re the ones who want to look into the heart and truth of a thing. People who embrace their own ability to imagine a new future help make that future happen.

  • Seeing clearly is freeing. I no longer get stuck in places I used to consistently and unconsciously get stuck for much of my life. Seeing energy, really looking at it, takes courage and is a choice too. In order to see a thing, you have to want to see it.

Clairvoyance isn’t about showing off and proving to anyone else how powerful you are.

You could be living a life that looks successful according to popular wisdom, meanwhile knowing inside that you really want something else. If so, you’re living in a picture that’s not yours to begin with, one that you invested your energy, and yourself, into. You’re living a life that’s not your own.

Life is a visual experience, even if we refuse to see. There are pictures everywhere – inside of us and out. You came to this lifetime with pictures of what you wanted, who you’d be with, and what you’d get to experience. If you have a sense of missing out on something in life, it may be because you aren’t having what you came here knowing you wanted to have.

Clairvoyance is a helpful tool, and a most valuable skill to develop. It’s about discovering this truth for yourself, and taking that first courageous step deeper toward getting to really know the most important person in your life – you. Once you do that, everything else can become easier.

Learn how to turn on your own clairvoyance and use it in your daily life. Check out the Clairvoyance Mastery Class.

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

Clairvoyance helps me to see myself clearly, and with love.