Planetary healing begins with you

You have the power to change yourself.

With that power comes great responsibility - not to change for others in a way that they want to see you change, but to change for yourself, to become more of who you are here to be.

In other words, to be in your truth. You may not realize fully just how powerful the choice to be yourself really is - and how much healing you bring to the world you inhabit when you consciously change yourself in a way that reflects your truth.

Even being on that path makes a difference. When you step away from the status quo, from what’s expected of you and start to look for yourself, you create change.

When you can see your own reflection and like what you see - and I don’t mean simply physically but spiritually, you’re working more from a truthful place within. It can be the hardest and most rewarding work you’ll ever do, and nobody else can make you do it, or do it for you.

The change you’re making may not be very noticeable to you at first, not at all.

What you might run into once you start on this path is pain. Shame is another energy you’ll no doubt face, and of course invalidation. These can be tough to get through, your inner critic might be screaming at you to stop, and go back to safety.

Except that safety isn’t, and never was, real. The illusion of safety keeps many of us from stepping out of the old stuck places we’ve gotten caught in.

The path towards your truth is where you’ll grow, and also where you’ll face the greatest challenges.

The challenges show up because in order to find your truth, you have to face a lot of untruths, or half truths, or other people’s truths, some of which you swallowed along the way and now have to release.

You don’t have to blame anyone else here, it is not their fault. You are on your own path, and it doesn’t exist yet, until you create it.

Here’s where the Planetary Healing part comes in.

We human beings love our groups, families, countries, and possessions. We tend to hold onto whatever beliefs we were taught from the time we were very young, whether those beliefs are really true for us, or not. Sometimes they’re just rules, things we are told we must obey, or be punished. We are afraid of the group’s opinions of us, we don’t want to be ostracized or judged.

Even in the 21st century, when there’s more permission than in recent written history to expand ourselves and call everything previously held dear into question, we tend to play it safe. We aren’t wrong for this, many of us have lifetimes of rebelling, and stepping outside of society’s norms, with varying degrees of success.

Capitalism is one of those things we are currently calling into question. Especially late stage capitalism in the 21st century, when it’s clear to anyone who wants to see that this way of living is harming our planet, our bodies, and every living creature and natural form on this earth. Misogyny, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and hatred of all kinds are being spotlighted, one after another, and called out. We human beings have outgrown these old paths, and need to shed every last one of them.

As it is for every positive change, consciousness is the key here. As you choose to consciously heal and grow, you will more clearly see yourself, and your effect on the planet around you.

Young children know some of this instinctively, until the group, society, educational system, group fears and prejudices - program it out of them. Aging, when we do it right, helps us find that core of truth in ourselves again, that thing we always had, in a more present time conscious kind of way.

Becoming more of who you really are creates great healing on Earth. People who choose to work from their own truth don’t need to harm others, or create pain and suffering on earth. They also cannot make everyone else wake up, but the effect each of us has when we change ourselves is extraordinary.

When you match to your own truth, you might be misunderstood at first. But as you own it for yourself, something grand and beautiful occurs. You become you in a whole new way, and nobody can take that from you.

"Aging is an extraordinary process whereby you become the person you always should have been" -David Bowie.

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

Psychic abilities are more fun to have when you feel safe


How do you know your own energy?