Silence and space in the middle of the noise


In this fast moving world, it's a challenge to find space in which to have silence.

Silence is so rare nowadays that when a city dweller goes somewhere quiet and rural, what is often noticed first is 'how quiet it is here'.

It’s amazing to become aware of the silence, and realize you haven’t heard silence for years. Yes, it is something to hear.

Silence can sometimes be an uncomfortable experience, simply because one is not used to it. It’s kind of soothing to be constantly surrounded by sound. We are all programmed to have sound, all the time.

Listen: on any given day you can hear: people, helicopters, car alarms, traffic, car horns, sirens, voices, music, cell phones, crickets, someone’s TV, birds chirping, the neighbors’ cats fighting for seniority out in the yard. All that sound, all that noise, fills up your space with other energy besides your own.

What does it mean for you to have your space?

It is easy to be in someone else's space, and for them to be in yours. Humans connect with each other, and often match to each other. It can be fun to feel like you are part of something, part of a group that you belong to. When you're constantly connected to others, you miss out on finding your own information about your energy. It's impossible to do this if you never experience having your own space.

It's important to know your own energy, if you want to live your true life that is. Can you imagine going your entire life not knowing what is you, and what is not? When you always have a cast of thousands in your space, it can be difficult to find the real you.

When you give yourself the time to be with you, you create a healthy happy relationship within yourself. You can learn to trust yourself, to hear your internal wisdom, without needing to have to run everything through the group mind first. Having your space means you get to enjoy being yourself.

When people are frightened of being all alone in their own space.

Some people never get their own space, and never experience what it's like to feel their own energy without the constant sound that comes in through other people. They are afraid to do this. I once gave a reading to a woman who was absolutely petrified by the idea of having her own space, and knowing herself better. She was terrified, and that isn’t an exaggeration.

I didn’t try to convince her that she should do anything different, but gently suggested that getting to know herself better would be a way she could heal herself. She was so connected to others in her life, and had already convinced herself that when the kids grew up and everything changed she’d be having a very hard time.

I could see that it was hard for her to let go of what she had sunk her being into. She identified herself with the others around her. Doing that helped her feel safe. She isn’t wrong, but when things do change, it may be difficult for her to still feel safe.

Many of us have done the very same thing. Perhaps someone has sunk their identity into their job and now it’s been eliminated. Or a relationship, and that has gone away too. The idea here is not a negative one about everything going away and leaving you all alone.

You are never alone, because you have yourself.

When you make friends with that self and work from that place, life is never lonely. There is a trust within, which is more valuable than anything I can imagine. You become your own counsel. You have your space. Your most valuable relationship is the one you have with yourself. Every other relationship comes from that one.

It is all about consciousness, as in: what is your relationship with yourself? Do you like you? Or are you very critical of yourself, in ways you’d not be to others? These are all good questions to ask, in this brave new world of ours.

One of the best tools to turn to when you're working on having more space for yourself is meditation. Meditation helps you have silence within, in other words - have your space.

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

Building a world begins with a clairvoyant picture


Your inner voice is how you communicate with yourself