Being Psychic, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill Being Psychic, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill

Being psychic needs no effort

Being psychic and accessing your psychic abilities requires no effort.

Your psychic abilities are natural and human. Being in effort just gets in the way of having your abilities on and working for you. Your intuition, clairvoyance, knowingness, telepathy, clairaudience, and other spiritual abilities, will seem unreal or unreachable to you if you’re in effort about having them.

If you find yourself in effort about being psychic, you may be in judgment of those very abilities you’re trying to access.

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Energy Awareness, Creativity Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Creativity Kris Cahill

We’re all making it up as we go

A new day begins, bringing with it more opportunities for you to choose.

In each moment, you're making it up as you go. Beginning with getting out of bed in the morning, you’re responsible for a bevy of choices about your life today. What mood will you embrace as you step into the day? What attitude will you choose to carry with you on your path?

You get to decide what clothes you’re wearing for the day ahead, and you also get to decide what energy you’re carrying with you. It’s not always easy to decide how you’re going to feel, but you do get to choose what you will do about how you feel.

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Consciousness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Consciousness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

What is your inner voice telling you?

What do you say to yourself, and how do you say it?

Do you speak to yourself as if you trust and value you? Do you listen to your inner voice? Are you kind to yourself? Can you sing out loud, tell yourself jokes, and reassure the timid, scared parts of you that you’re okay? Or do you judge yourself for being less than you think you should be?

Are you even on speaking terms with yourself? Or do you go for long stretches without remembering that you have an inner voice? Do you tell yourself that you love you? Do you compliment yourself for doing something well, and thank yourself for being brave?

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Meditation, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill Meditation, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill

Do you practice the art of listening?

Do you sit still and simply listen, not so much to the many sounds and noises out in the world, but to the sounds within you?

If you meditate, you may already do this, simply because you take the time to sit still, to engage yourself in the art of listening.

Stillness is the first part of the art of listening, going within yourself to listen is the next. It’s a simple activity, one that will give you bountiful insights into the most valuable resource you have, namely yourself.

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Creativity, Meditation Kris Cahill Creativity, Meditation Kris Cahill

Notes on listening to myself

I come from a long line of busy people. It’s possible that you do too.

‘Idle hands are the devil’s playthings’ or however that phrase goes, could have been stamped on the wall of the house I grew up in.

Except it would have gone more along the lines of ‘mom’s coming, look busy’. Being engaged in the act of listening to myself didn't count. Maybe this is why meditation became so important to me as an adult.

At a young age, I learned that adults do not like to see a kid sitting around, doing nothing.

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Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill

The fine art of free will

The choice you make in any situation will depend on the choices you see before you.

Yes, you do have free will, and are free to choose what you want, but what choices are on your menu? Sometimes you might believe you have no choice because none of the available options you see appeal to you. Remember that not choosing is also a choice.

What about the choices you can’t see?

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Energy Awareness, Consciousness Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Slow down your daily pace in order to live more fully

Do you pay attention to how fast you are expected to move through your daily life?

Depending on what is happening in your life right now, you are faced with demands to get more done in your day, every day. This means you're expected to move faster, never slow down or stop moving, and produce produce produce.

You are the one making some of those demands on yourself, and it could be that you're used to doing things this way. It is a positive thing to get a lot of stuff done, and some days it's the right answer.

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Being Psychic, Creativity Kris Cahill Being Psychic, Creativity Kris Cahill

The fine art of non effort and working with your spirit

Sometimes we humans are excellent at making things seem harder than those things need to be.

One reason we do this is because we’re trying to control the situation, perhaps so others won’t compete with us? Our big show of effort becomes a sleight of hand, designed to throw others off our trail.

If it looks that hard to do, will you even try? Do you believe you’re worthy to give it a try at all? What if you fail? Can you embrace non effort?

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Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

Embrace the unwanted parts of yourself and find the real you

Try this: get dressed up and go call on your inner demons, the unwanted parts of you.

Invite them for tea and cookies, gluten free if you prefer. Say hello to your unwanted bits when they arrive, and ask them to sit down and join you for a friendly chat.

Be nice, especially if you’ve gone out of your way to avoid them in the past. You might not have felt like being seen with them before.

Give it a try now, it’s worth it. They have some useful things to tell you, so try to listen without judgment.

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Meditation, Consciousness Kris Cahill Meditation, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Notes on learning to listen deeply

Deep listening is an art.

The ability to listen deeply is more than simply hearing the noises of the city or your office or home. When you take the time to listen to yourself, your body, the earth, nature, spirit, other people, you receive information that helps you understand and grow. Listening deeply brings awareness.

Listening is an underrated ability these days. We are rushed and prodded and shamed and pushed to go faster than ever before, to not take the time to listen. Listening requires time and space, and if you have little to no time or space for yourself in your daily life, you won't be able to hear a lot of things, including and especially yourself.

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Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

Your inner voice is how you communicate with yourself

Your inner voice allows you to hear your own wisdom, and can help you navigate your way through life.

Your inner voice is a valuable part of you that can help you create a place of peace and inner knowing within yourself, when you make space for it.

Because life is often complex, sometimes there's so much energy coming at you that it's difficult or confusing to hear your own inner voice clearly.

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