When you speak the language of energy


Energy is a language you were born knowing how to speak.

The language of energy is one we all know, though each of us might have a different way of understanding what it means.

Each person has a unique perspective and experience. I have a different way of feeling, seeing, or knowing energy than you. It’s pointless to try to prove energy to anyone else, because of this uniqueness.

Trying to prove energy to someone is like trying to prove what you feel. Your feelings are your experience, and while you can communicate them, you can’t expect others to completely understand your experience of feeling. They have their own experience, which you may not completely understand.

You were born already equipped to speak the language of energy, because you are energy. Your body is made of energy.

You as a being are energy, spirit.

As an energy, there is just one of you; you are unique in all of creation. This is why it’s important for you to know yourself - the rest of us need you to be you, because nobody else can replace you. When you find the truth of who you are, you heal yourself and become a healing for others, just by being. It becomes easier for you to create your creations, and live your life.

If you think there’s something wrong with you or your energy, you can go through life feeling flawed, as if you’re missing something. When things in your life don’t go the way you’d like them to, it can be easy to blame yourself and think your energy is bad or wrong.

Another word for this is ‘invalidation’. If you think you or your energy are wrong, you are invalidated. You’ve forgotten that you have value. It is when you have your own energy within yourself, and when you can begin to get more of your energy back again, that you start to become validated again.

There is nothing wrong with your own energy, but if you are walking around holding onto all kinds of energies you picked up from other people and events, it’s difficult to have enough of your own energy to do what it is you want to do.

You forget your own value, or don’t get to know it, when you become a storehouse for energies that aren’t yours.

It can feel like you’re carrying a burden around with you. All of the energy that isn’t you affects your body. When you take on other energies, they affect your body’s energy and health. So, how do you change this? How do you begin to learn who you are, and to know your own energy? How do you get validated?

Getting to know yourself begins with you taking the time to go within yourself, and to begin to communicate with yourself, in order to learn more about what is true for you, who you are, and what you honestly want for your life.

Meditation is a valuable tool you can use to become more aware of who you really are.

Grounded meditation will help you to change your energy, and change your life. When you take the time to get to know the most important person in your life better – yourself – you make brilliant and lasting changes. This is the gift you give yourself that nobody else can give to you.

Read my posts about grounding and how it helps you heal yourself.

  • ©Kris Cahill
    Image: 'Fairyland' ©Kris Cahill

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


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