Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Meditation is an act of creativity
The only meditation style I ever studied quickly became the exact right fit for me, because it is a creative style.
My first meditation class helped me become conscious of energy, which I already knew about on some level, but it didn’t feel quite real to me. Maybe that was because I had no idea how to work with energy consciously.
How do you know your own energy?
You might say that there are two kinds of energy in existence - your own energy, and energy that isn't yours.
The tricky part of this is knowing the difference between the two. It's not that the energy that isn't yours is wrong, it's that it won't work as well inside of you as your own energy will.
The ongoing conversation between my body and spirit
I have learned to listen to my body when it is telling me things.
In my younger years, I didn’t listen much at all, and didn’t even know this might be a good thing to do.
I had non stop energy and the ability to run at a very fast speed and Get A Lot Done, and so I didn’t understand or hear my body when it was talking to me. It may have tried to communicate with me quietly and politely at first, I don’t know, because I wasn’t present to hear it. I just kept doing all the things and telling my body ‘this is what we’re doing today’. I was Type A+, I mean, I had it all under control!
What can a daily meditation habit do for you?
If you are looking for one good habit to add to your life, try meditating regularly.
You’ll benefit in more ways than you might imagine from a daily meditation habit. A grounded meditation practice will help you to know who you are and where you are. If your daily routine has you going non-stop, while fueling yourself on caffeine, stress, guilt, worry, or some other toxic energy, your body and health will suffer.
You'll lose energy by treating yourself this way, and may find yourself in an ongoing state of fatigue. This will make it more difficult for you to create what you want.
The first chakra: safety, stability and belonging
The first chakra is an energy center that contains information about being secure, stable, protected, and grounded.
Located against your spine at the tailbone, this is the chakra to ground to the earth when you sit down to meditate. A grounded first chakra helps you to feel safe, and when you are safe you can create, grow, and release any unwanted energy that’s been hanging around inside of you. Having permission to ground yourself gives you the freedom to be who you are, live how you want to live, have health on every level of being, and feel like you belong, no matter where on earth you are.
Your meditation practice can bring more fun into your life
Yes, meditation is fun!
If you're having fun, you're doing something right. Meditation is one of my favorite practices for bringing more fun into my life.
Is it fun to feel good? Do you enjoy being validated, feeling creative, energized and healthy, being able to decisively take action when you know you want to do so? Do you want to know more about who you are? All of this is about being able to find your own energy, and have your space. Personally speaking, I find all of this stuff fun.
The space between notes allows music to be heard
It’s easier than ever to fill your daily schedule with a long list of tasks to accomplish before the day’s end.
It’s simpler than ever to fill up all the available space with more and more of everything: things to do, acquire, learn, know, accomplish.
In our modern culture, being busy is considered more desirable than having time off. If you’re busy, that’s good, right? It means you have more value, or are making more money, or are more important, doesn’t it?
Your daily practice allows you to focus, direct, and change your life
A daily practice is an awareness tool that helps you focus your energy more consciously.
Where you put your energy is where you create. Having a daily practice for yourself makes it possible for you to aim and place your energy where you want it, instead of where you don't. Your daily practice can help you to achieve your goals by redirecting the unconscious actions and habits that scatter you and leave you feeling unfocused and ungrounded.
The treasure you’re looking for is always within you
Learning about yourself is a life long study.
There’s no limit to how far you can go, once you decide to get going on the road to self knowledge.
Like the colorful ragtag protagonists in ‘The Wizard of Oz’, you can get on your road and follow it to your own Emerald City, looking for treasure. Along the way you might run into a witch or two, as well as some other shady characters. “Oh no!” you might say, “I’m running into obstacles! Will I ever reach my treasure?”. Then one day you ‘arrive’ to find that the treasure you were looking for was always within you.
When you speak the language of energy
Energy is a language you were born knowing how to speak.
The language of energy is one we all know, though each of us might have a different way of understanding what it means.
Each person has a unique perspective and experience. I have a different way of feeling, seeing, or knowing energy than you. It’s pointless to try to prove energy to anyone else, because of this uniqueness.
Trying to prove energy to someone is like trying to prove what you feel.
Create a daily practice and commit to your dreams
'Whatever the Universe brings me’ is a phrase I’ve heard uttered more times than I can count.
When someone says this in front of me, my response is typically, ‘but what do you want?’.
If you don’t know what you want, and are ordering ‘whatever’ for your life, indeed ‘whatever’ is what will come your way. However, it may not be the same ‘whatever’ you thought you might have someday. You're the one who has to commit to your path in order to get where you want to be.
Meditation helps you to let go of the fears of others
Here’s another great reason to get your daily meditation practice on.
Being a human being is pretty intense. There is a lot to get through, every day.
Especially during times of great change and upheaval, the level of intensity increases. This time counts as one of those times. Spiritual evolution is upon us, in a great big wonderful juicy way. Being able to let go of what you can't control is a skill to have right now.