A simple guide to the 7 main chakras


Chakras are energy centers contained within you as part of your energy system.

You have seven main chakras lined up along your spine, from the tailbone up to the top of your head. Each of these chakras contains information about your spiritual abilities. Each is tied in with various organs and parts of the body as well. You also have chakras in the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands.

When your chakras are healthy and you are able to access the information contained within them, they are in movement, spinning. It is when they are in movement that you can use them.

Your chakras open and close, and it’s important to note that you don’t need them wide open in order to access them. Walking around with your chakras open up all the way can feel very uncomfortable and get in your way by making you too wide open to all of the information coming at you. This can result in feeling blocked again as some of that energy sticks to you.

Chakras are important because they are doorways to you, and to your abilities and information.

When you find yourself stuck or unable to access important abilities, the chakra associated with whatever you’re trying to have for yourself is very likely affected in some way – stuck or blocked, or perhaps someone else’s energy has gotten caught in your ability to have what it is you want.

When you move the energy out of your way that isn’t you is when you’re able to access the information you need to be safe, feel your emotions, have enough energy, love, communicate, see clearly, and know for yourself. By working with your chakras and energy system, you’re able to learn more about yourself and to grow and heal.

Here’s a basic description of each chakra’s location and abilities:

1st Chakra, at the tailbone/base of your spine – Your ability to be safe, stable, and grounded. Your right to be here.
2nd Chakra, below the navel – Clairsentience, the ability to feel energy clearly. Your emotional center. Sexuality and sensuality.
3rd Chakra, in the solar plexus – Your energy center, and ability to act. Astral/dreams, will, power.
4th Chakra, center of chest – affinity, love, self image, bridge between body and spirit.
5th Chakra, throat – communication, clairaudience, expression, inner voice, telepathy.
6th Chakra, pineal gland, center of head – clairvoyance, vision, clear seeing, non-judgment.
7th Chakra, top of the head – crown chakra, knowingness, spirit, mediumship, your own truth

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


What do you do when you’re feeling stuck?


The first chakra: safety, stability and belonging