Everything happens in the present time


It isn’t happening yesterday, and it’s not tomorrow yet.

What is happening is doing so now, in this moment, in this present time.

Some event may have happened yesterday that is affecting this moment now. As a matter of fact, every event that happened yesterday does affect now. Every choice made, every word said, every thought, is having its effect on you in this moment.

Whatever you chose: from the food you ate to the quality of sleep you had last night, to whether you’ve been able to let go of stress and worries, and so on. You are reading this article now. While doing so, you may be thinking about what is going to happen 5 minutes from now, or have your energy still in an event from last year. The only time you can actually be reading is right now. In this moment, you are breathing, your heart is beating, your eyes are blinking. With no effort on your part whatsoever, your body is doing its thing, in present time.

Your body is always in the present moment.

Meanwhile, your spirit has the capability to be in endless places at once. Your energy can be in your childhood, your present job, any of your past relationships, out in the future, on the astral plane, with a friend, to name a few. The more of you that is able to be here in present time, with your body, the richer your experience. The more present you are, the more real things can be for you. When your spirit is in friendly communication with your body, it’s easier to create more of what you want, effortlessly.

Sometimes you might leave your energy somewhere else because you went through something difficult, and it hasn’t felt safe to bring yourself back again. Or you might be so busy that you leave your energy everywhere, only stopping to collect yourself back when you get sick, or because you are exhausted. The only time in which you can create is now. In order to create anything, you need enough energy to do so. If your energy is stuck all over time, it’s not available for you.

There are easier ways to stay in the present time, and here are a few of them.

  • Remember to speak kindly to your body. It has much valuable information for you. However, in order to access that information, you will need to have kind communication with yourself. If you make your body wrong, it will be difficult for you to be in it.

  • Meditation will help you to find yourself, become aware of your energy, and bring it back into present time, in a safe and validating way. Grounding yourself is especially helpful.

  • Forgiveness will help you safely pull your energy out of a past time situation in which you were hurt in some way. If you can forgive all parties involved, especially yourself, you’ll be more present now. This is a choice.

  • Let go of trying to solve anything that happened that you had no control over. This includes people. If you’re still solving and fixing, you won’t be here now, creating what you really want.

  • Give yourself time off to play. No matter what is happening in your life, make sure you get time for yourself. Give to your body, take yourself out for fun with friends, or do something fun on your own. Drop the responsibility, let go of the demands.

Every moment brings another opportunity to become present. Every moment brings another choice with it. Each choice you make right now creates your future.

  • ©Kris Cahill
    'Golden Clouds' ©Kris Cahill

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


Who made the rules you follow?


When you show up to do the work