Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
When it's time to commit, and when it's time to let go
Should you stay, or should you go?
Is what you are committing your energy to, still working for you? I am the last person to tell you what you should do. You may have a few well-meaning folks who are only trying to … ahem - help, by making sure you know what you should do.
Everything happens in the present time
It isn’t happening yesterday, and it’s not tomorrow yet.
What is happening is doing so now, in this moment, in this present time.
Some event may have happened yesterday that is affecting this moment now. As a matter of fact, every event that happened yesterday does affect now. Every choice made, every word said, every thought, is having its effect on you in this moment.
Whatever you chose: from the food you ate to the quality of sleep you had last night, to whether you’ve been able to let go of stress and worries, and so on. You are reading this article now.
What do you do when you’re feeling stuck?
You have had the opportunity to experience what it's like to feel stuck.
When you’re feeling stuck, nothing is working. You are failing, and/or things are falling apart. All of your efforts are in vain. You can’t seem to get out of this rut you’ve somehow landed in. You feel frustration, discomfort, anxiety, stress, invalidation, and worried about what will happen if you stay stuck.
Worst of all, there is no instruction manual or set of instructions on getting unstuck. You just don’t know what to do. How do you make this time of being stuck go away?
The day you decide you don’t fit into the old picture anymore
When that day comes, you might feel basically the same as on any other day.
Except you aren’t, something inside is different, and things have shifted for you, forever. You ordered it up, and now it’s here. You’re done with an old picture.
An underlying tone of energy that was inside of you as long as you can remember is suddenly gone. This feels liberating, in a disturbing sort of way.
The beauty of this moment
Everything possible unfolds right now. This moment is when it's all happening.
Some folks live in the past, in what they choose to remember as a happier, simpler time. Other people are caught up in trying to solve old problems, wounds, and invalidation.
Forgiveness leads to trust
What if you decide to forgive and let go? What if others do the same?
Simply by forgiving each other and especially our own selves, we go a long way to creating more trust in the world. Forgiveness is a big part of learning to trust.
What is spiritual freedom?
The freedom to be healthy in body, mind, spirit, to have health on all levels of being, is all about spiritual freedom.
It begins in your spirit. There are certain freedoms we each take for granted in our lives each day.
Time Stopped: what Miss Havisham taught us about letting go
Miss Havisham is a character in Charles Dickens’ ‘Great Expectations’, famous for being jilted by her groom-to-be on their wedding day.
Havisham receives a telegram at 8:40am on the day in question, letting her know that her betrothed will not marry her. What does Havisham do after this rude rejection? She decides to stop time in that precise moment, 8:40am.
Every transformation begins with letting go of an old identity
It’s that time again. You’d think I’d be used to this by now, but I’m still hitting that old familiar resistance.
Big time change is here, again, and though I’m welcoming this one, it’s a bit nerve wracking. I know that if I allow myself to roll with it, it will get easier. Still, part of me is fighting letting go of the old identity I’ve been hauling around.