Bringing your relationships into present time

One of the best ways to get your relationships with others into the present time, is to bring your relationship with yourself there first.

If you've been working with out of date pictures about who you are and what you are capable of becoming, having, and creating, it's time to clean those out.

Get conscious about what you've agreed to have for yourself in your relationships with others, and you change the whole game you’re playing.

It's up to you, not anyone else, to do this.

Some of those ideas might have been handed to you by others, or you willingly adopted them as your own. Whether it's because you felt more comfortable keeping yourself small, or it's that you didn’t want to hurt anyone else by stepping away to have more, it's your choice. If you choose to be less than you can be, you're not being who you came here to be.

When you decide to hold back, whether from fear, invalidation, loyalty, or shyness, you aren’t just withholding from yourself. You’re holding back from all of us, and we need you to be the true you.

You become the gift to others by deciding to step up and become.

When you bring your relationship with yourself into the present time, all other relationships will follow, effortlessly. You’ll no longer want to deal with those who cannot have you being here and now, in your own life.

If you decide to get into the present time with yourself first, you’ll make more conscious choices about what serves you, what you need to do for yourself, and what you no longer want to have, without making those choices based on what others want for you.

You might have held yourself back from following your own heart’s desire because of an old out of date belief about what is possible. Perhaps this belief was originally based on someone else’s fears, and not on your own truth.

One of the best ways to get your relationship with yourself into the now is to have communication within yourself.

Meditation is an effective and wonderful way to go about improving your communication with yourself. When you have validating communication within, it’s hard for any problems or doubts to creep in. When you open up and listen to your own inner voice, you can decide more clearly what is true for you now.

Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you have, and all other relationships you create are based on this one. It’s worth taking the time to bring it into the present time.

  • ©Kris Cahill
    Image from Unsplash

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

What do your agreements with others allow you to have, do, and become?


Designated driver for the pain