Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Agreements make the world go round
Being conscious to the agreements I've made with myself and others is part of my self care practice.
I learned about spiritual agreements in my clairvoyant training.
In my search for answers to questions and problems that had been bothering me for years, I finally signed up for a meditation class.
Updating my agreements with myself
Agreements, among other things, make the world go round.
Every aspect of life has agreements attached, both conscious and unconscious ones.
Conscious agreements include the agreement to speak the truth, and to hear that truth.
Who made the rules you follow?
We are all, each of us, fortunate to know different kinds of people.
It can be so much fun to hang out with friends and family, bounce ideas off of each other, share our lives and our thoughts, and be part of a group of people, a community. There are many amazing people to meet and get to know. No two humans are exactly alike, and we need the differences in opinion, outlooks, likes and dislikes, that we bring to each other.
Have a commitment to your own spiritual growth
Your commitment to your spirit is the most important commitment you’ll ever make.
You are the one who is in charge of your own spiritual growth, and it’s your personal business as to how you choose to grow. Your spiritual growth leads to all other growth. You get to decide what this means for you, and how you will go about having it.
It’s important to remember that you can’t do this for anyone else.
Slow down your daily pace in order to live more fully
Do you pay attention to how fast you are expected to move through your daily life?
Depending on what is happening in your life right now, you are faced with demands to get more done in your day, every day. This means you're expected to move faster, never slow down or stop moving, and produce produce produce.
You are the one making some of those demands on yourself, and it could be that you're used to doing things this way. It is a positive thing to get a lot of stuff done, and some days it's the right answer.
Notes on becoming a conscious healer
There are many ways of being a healer, some of them conscious, and some not.
You can be the healer in your family, job, or group of friends, without being aware of your role.
What does this mean exactly? Well, you could be the peacemaker, or the one who keeps it together for the others. You might soak up everyone’s troubles, maybe you are the sounding board for your friends’ problems.
How your spiritual agreements affect your everyday relationships
The most common questions any psychic is asked are about relationships: past, present, and future.
Though most people want a reading on their current romantic status, or lack thereof, there are many other relationships, as well as spiritual agreements, available to be seen.
What do your agreements with others allow you to have, do, and become?
Did you ever share a deep secret longing with someone who judged you for wanting the very thing you wanted?
You couldn’t wait to share this new idea with your friend, and expected that she would listen to you happily and embrace your new vision for your life.
Bringing your relationships into present time
One of the best ways to get your relationships with others into the present time, is to bring your relationship with yourself there first.
If you've been working with out of date pictures about who you are and what you are capable of becoming, having, and creating, it's time to clean those out.