Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
The first chakra: safety, stability and belonging
The first chakra is an energy center that contains information about being secure, stable, protected, and grounded.
Located against your spine at the tailbone, this is the chakra to ground to the earth when you sit down to meditate. A grounded first chakra helps you to feel safe, and when you are safe you can create, grow, and release any unwanted energy that’s been hanging around inside of you. Having permission to ground yourself gives you the freedom to be who you are, live how you want to live, have health on every level of being, and feel like you belong, no matter where on earth you are.
Who (or what) is in charge of your prosperity?
Are you the one who defines your prosperity?
Prosperity is a spiritual energy, one that you can decide for yourself. What you create with your spirit, leads into the rest of your life. When you work consciously on creating your pictures of what prosperity means to you, instead of adopting other people’s opinions, fears, and beliefs, you’ll be less affected by the highs and lows of the marketplace.
When you face yourself, look honestly within, and decide what is true for you, it becomes easier to create what you want.