Did you bring enough for everyone?
Is it possible for you to have what you want, without having to bring enough for everyone?
Or, are you responsible for providing for the others?
Do you feel guilty if you get a windfall, do well on a test, get the callback, win the contest, get the job, have the happy relationship – when there are so many others who didn’t, can’t, won’t, or don’t have? Do you have guilt about having what you want?
If you have been responsible for keeping it together for others in your life, you may have a hard time simply having for yourself.
What have you agreed to have?
Can you have for yourself the beauty, wealth, health, happiness, peace, freedom, and love that exist in endless quantities in this Universe?
Can you trust in something you don't yet have and perhaps can't see, but know in your heart is possible?
Or do you control the number of gifts you accept, saying to yourself, 'that's enough now, I shouldn't have more, I don't want to be greedy'. So you make bargains with yourself and others, perhaps unconsciously, that you'll only have so much, because you know, fairness.