Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Your imagination is how you make things real
What you can imagine is real.
Every single human made creation you can think of started with someone’s imagination.
One of the most important abilities any of us has is the ability to imagine, visualize, and dream. We each literally make stuff up, every day of our lives.
Please make your art, you’re giving to us all
Even if you and I never meet or see each other’s creations, we give to each other when we create something from within ourselves.
You don’t have to call yourself an artist, or want to be one, in order to make your art.
Nobody else has to see or validate that you made something, it can be your own personal creation.
Magic happens when you consciously direct your attention
Your attention is one of the most powerful things you own.
Where you put your attention, consciously or not, is where you put your energy, your life force. Directing your energy is a creative act. When you direct your own energy on purpose, you have what you need to create your life for yourself. When you collect up your energy and direct it towards the things you want to create, you are more successful at manifesting those things.
In order to do this, you might choose to pull your attention and energy back from the things you've been unconsciously directing it towards, especially if those things don't work for you.
Creating consciously begins with your focus
You may not fully appreciate how much value there is in your focus, in what you pay attention to.
For one thing, the simple act of putting your attention onto something helps to change that thing. Your attention, your focus on a thing shifts the energy of that thing. This is called the observer effect. According to Wikipedia: “In science, the term observer effect means that the act of observing will influence the phenomenon being observed.”
When you focus consciously on something, you have an effect on it. This is because where you put your focus is where you put your energy.
On making psychic predictions
Some psychics proudly proclaim their accuracy in making psychic predictions.
There is a great demand for predictions about the future, especially when everything is changing so rapidly that it's hard to keep up. People want to know what’s going to happen next, and when. Psychics are expected to predict the future, and this is what a lot of people think a psychic reading is supposed to be about.
Human beings fear the unknown because we cannot control it. For that matter, we have no control over what we already know, but that doesn't stop us from trying to exert all of that pointless control.
The space between notes allows music to be heard
It’s easier than ever to fill your daily schedule with a long list of tasks to accomplish before the day’s end.
It’s simpler than ever to fill up all the available space with more and more of everything: things to do, acquire, learn, know, accomplish.
In our modern culture, being busy is considered more desirable than having time off. If you’re busy, that’s good, right? It means you have more value, or are making more money, or are more important, doesn’t it?
Listen to your heart and get a life – yours
Has your heart been calling to you? Have you been listening, or have you blocked its calls?
Did you turn your heart’s volume down, put out a ‘do not disturb’ sign, or invalidated it as being unrealistic? Perhaps you’ve believed those who insist that the pursuit of career, money, status, and power are better choices than listening to one’s heart.
Have you gotten to the point where you can no longer ignore its message? That truth speaking from deep within your heart won’t be silenced. It’s telling you something is amiss, and that you are ignoring your deepest dreams.
Notes on listening to myself
I come from a long line of busy people. It’s possible that you do too.
‘Idle hands are the devil’s playthings’ or however that phrase goes, could have been stamped on the wall of the house I grew up in.
Except it would have gone more along the lines of ‘mom’s coming, look busy’. Being engaged in the act of listening to myself didn't count. Maybe this is why meditation became so important to me as an adult.
At a young age, I learned that adults do not like to see a kid sitting around, doing nothing.
Creating a new world with curiosity, imagination, and clairvoyance
What do curiosity, imagination, and clairvoyance have to do with creating a new world? Only everything.
Curiosity asks, “I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where people get along with each other? A world at peace? That would be so nice.”.
Curiosity has a lot of questions to ask. Rather than blindly accepting that this is 'the way things are', curiosity creates a new possibility by asking questions.
Curiosity comes from within, from your spirit.
Meditation brings inspiration and helps me manifest my creations
My best creative ideas don't show up when I'm in effort.
I cannot be trying hard in order to have brilliant ideas flowing. If I want gorgeous inspiration to show up and grace me with its presence, I have to relax and let go of any sticky desperate effort energy.
Inspiration is energy, and so are all the beautiful fun ideas that show up. Sometimes I get my best ideas while sitting in my meditation chair, eyes closed, breathing and grounding and releasing old energy. Regular meditation also helps me to have the ideas that show up, instead of judging them or immediately saying ‘no’ because I run into an unconscious fear about my ideas.
Create a daily practice and commit to your dreams
'Whatever the Universe brings me’ is a phrase I’ve heard uttered more times than I can count.
When someone says this in front of me, my response is typically, ‘but what do you want?’.
If you don’t know what you want, and are ordering ‘whatever’ for your life, indeed ‘whatever’ is what will come your way. However, it may not be the same ‘whatever’ you thought you might have someday. You're the one who has to commit to your path in order to get where you want to be.
Grounding yourself helps you grow a grounded business
If you want a grounded business, begin with you.
Grounding makes things real, and helps you to manifest your creations. If you want to create a successful business, career, or job, look no further than yourself.