Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Curiosity leads you to your true self
Your curiosity is the tool that will lead you to create an authentic life for yourself.
Curiosity makes it possible to imagine and create a brand new world, especially when you’ve come to the end of the old one. When you need a next step forward and a new adventure, get curious.
The perfect place to begin any adventure is with a thoughtful question. Questions are always more important than finding the correct answer. As for answers, they change as often as you do, which will be a lot if you keep asking quality questions.
Creating a new world with curiosity, imagination, and clairvoyance
What do curiosity, imagination, and clairvoyance have to do with creating a new world? Only everything.
Curiosity asks, “I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where people get along with each other? A world at peace? That would be so nice.”.
Curiosity has a lot of questions to ask. Rather than blindly accepting that this is 'the way things are', curiosity creates a new possibility by asking questions.
Curiosity comes from within, from your spirit.