Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
How do you heal yourself?
Everyone has the power to heal.
Healing is a creative choice, a conscious act. When it comes to your own healing, you have more power than you may know. Healing yourself is an everyday way to live, and isn’t only for when you are sick or injured.
Everyone has a different definition of what 'self healing' means. For you, it may mean that you’re living a life that fulfills you. For example, maybe healing yourself means that you actively seek relationships that are based on mutual respect, trust, and love. You do work that is meaningful for you.
When you show up to do the work
When you show up to do the work of becoming you, you put your energy back into yourself, and into your life.
This is when you invest in your own future, as well as your present. When you do this, you are able to perform miracles, such as healing yourself from events in your past that have lingered, places where you left parts of yourself behind.
When you release your energy from those places, you can have it back now, where it can really do some good for you.
Being psychic needs no effort
Being psychic and accessing your psychic abilities requires no effort.
Your psychic abilities are natural and human. Being in effort just gets in the way of having your abilities on and working for you. Your intuition, clairvoyance, knowingness, telepathy, clairaudience, and other spiritual abilities, will seem unreal or unreachable to you if you’re in effort about having them.
If you find yourself in effort about being psychic, you may be in judgment of those very abilities you’re trying to access.
Are you the author of your life story?
Every day you wake up to begin a new chapter in your life story.
The story of your life isn't written until you live it, and you get to make it up as you go along. You are in charge of deciding what story lines to follow, which choices to make, what your character says and does. You give your life story its overall tone and feel. You develop new plots, story lines, and introduce new characters into the story.
You can be your own writer, editor, and publisher. You don't need anyone else to give you the stamp of approval - it's your story to tell, not theirs. By doing this, you get to know yourself better.
Self healing begins with self love
This week’s healing tip: learn to give yourself the gifts of self-love, acceptance, and kindness, daily.
There is no healing substitute for self love. No other energy coming from anywhere or anyone is as powerful as the energy you give to yourself. Your attitude towards yourself matters.
You don’t have to prove it or earn it, but you deserve your own admiration and appreciation just for being alive. Especially if you are prone to bouts of self flagellation because you’ve made mistakes, or didn’t get enough items checked off your make-believe to do list, or somehow feel you’re not worthy.
Your authenticity heals and transforms your world
What happens when you dive into the depths of yourself and find your authenticity?
When you get very honest about who you are right now, what changes for you? When you question what’s real and authentic for yourself, you choose to look deeper than the surface of things. You grow when you choose to follow your spirit’s truth. When you answer your own deepest questions truthfully, you’re willing to see clearly now, to drop your old illusions.
If you want to heal the world, start by healing yourself
You already have what it takes to help heal the world you live in.
You can create healing on this planet. The trick is to begin with yourself, and do your own healing from within. You are not responsible for healing the rest of us, and you don’t have the power to decide who heals.
All healing is self healing, which means that others heal from within themselves too. You can never do someone else’s healing for them, because it's not your job. However, you have an important effect on how and whether others choose to heal themselves. You might be unaware of the power you possess to do this.
The treasure you’re looking for is always within you
Learning about yourself is a life long study.
There’s no limit to how far you can go, once you decide to get going on the road to self knowledge.
Like the colorful ragtag protagonists in ‘The Wizard of Oz’, you can get on your road and follow it to your own Emerald City, looking for treasure. Along the way you might run into a witch or two, as well as some other shady characters. “Oh no!” you might say, “I’m running into obstacles! Will I ever reach my treasure?”. Then one day you ‘arrive’ to find that the treasure you were looking for was always within you.
Have a commitment to your own spiritual growth
Your commitment to your spirit is the most important commitment you’ll ever make.
You are the one who is in charge of your own spiritual growth, and it’s your personal business as to how you choose to grow. Your spiritual growth leads to all other growth. You get to decide what this means for you, and how you will go about having it.
It’s important to remember that you can’t do this for anyone else.
Notes on being a spiritual activist
Spiritual activism is about consciousness.
When you become conscious about something, any energy that was stuck before you became conscious starts to move. The more consciousness you embrace, the more you decide to become aware, the more movement happens. You become a spiritual activist. Change follows quickly.
All change begins within, sometimes starting out quietly, rumbling in the background.