Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
I see peaceful people wherever I go
Being peaceful is easier than it seems.
We think it has to be hard to have peace, but it can be this simple. If you want to see peace on this earth, in your city, and in your lifetime, create peace within yourself, and carry it with you wherever you go. By your example, others will see that they can do this too. You bring them the gift of peace.
You become an inspiration for this healing because of your own commitment to healing from the wars that rage constantly on this planet, and have done so for much of human history.
The peace in your heart becomes peace on earth
It isn’t all that difficult to create an atmosphere of peace on earth.
Each of us can do this, daily. When you and I carry the energy of peace along with us, we’re bringing healing energy wherever we go. This becomes a gift to whomever we see, whether we know them personally or not.
Not only that, but each of our individual loads is lighter as a result of choosing to carry peace along on our daily travels. This is because peaceful energy is a much lighter and brighter vibration than non-peaceful energy. Peace is a conscious energy.
It takes nerve to work for peace
Do you have the nerve to demand peace from yourself?
People who have the desire to end their inner wars, will be on the front lines of peace. The fight for peace begins within each of us. When you declare a ceasefire within yourself, you bring a peaceful vibration with you everywhere you go. It can be that easy, and there’s no need to be in effort at all.
There is a catch. The hard part is that you actually have to do it. It’s easy to set new intentions, and another thing entirely to do whatever difficult soul searching work it takes to carry them out.
The truth and who gets to tell it
Whose truth are you following? Who do you believe?
Do you need me to agree with what you believe? You might believe something is your truth, but that doesn't mean it's mine too. Is there room here for us to disagree, peacefully?
When a belief becomes The Truth, conflicts erupt. If your truth doesn't match the truth of another person, and there's no space for both truths to exist, what happens?