Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
On making psychic predictions
Some psychics proudly proclaim their accuracy in making psychic predictions.
There is a great demand for predictions about the future, especially when everything is changing so rapidly that it's hard to keep up. People want to know what’s going to happen next, and when. Psychics are expected to predict the future, and this is what a lot of people think a psychic reading is supposed to be about.
Human beings fear the unknown because we cannot control it. For that matter, we have no control over what we already know, but that doesn't stop us from trying to exert all of that pointless control.
A time to embrace conscious optimism
On this first day of a new year and decade, I'm inspired to share one of my favorite quotes about the political act of optimism.
Being optimistic, especially in times of darkness and uncertainty, helps us evolve and grow. Conscious optimism is a vibration of energy to embrace in 2020.
Optimism is an act of the spirit, a conscious choice. Being optimistic doesn't mean that we don't face the reality of current events, it means we don't allow ourselves to be beaten down by those events. Instead, we do our work, we show up, we grow, give, love, heal, and forgive. Only in this way do we create consciously.