Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
You can learn to take control of your psychic abilities
Your psychic abilities are real and belong to you.
But what do you do with unwanted psychic information?
When you feel like you don’t have control over the energy and information coming into your awareness and space, you’re not the one in charge of your psychic abilities. It’s like having a beautiful car to drive, except that you never get to decide where you’re going. Something else, some other agenda, comes in to drive your energy, instead of you. Before you know it, you have a dent and a flat tire, and you didn’t even get to see what you wanted to see!
What can a daily meditation habit do for you?
If you are looking for one good habit to add to your life, try meditating regularly.
You’ll benefit in more ways than you might imagine from a daily meditation habit. A grounded meditation practice will help you to know who you are and where you are. If your daily routine has you going non-stop, while fueling yourself on caffeine, stress, guilt, worry, or some other toxic energy, your body and health will suffer.
You'll lose energy by treating yourself this way, and may find yourself in an ongoing state of fatigue. This will make it more difficult for you to create what you want.
Notes on becoming a conscious psychic
How did you know you are psychic?
I've been asked this more times than I can remember. Though the question is often directed at me personally, it’s really more about the person asking it. Maybe she is interested in psychic energy and abilities, and has probably had some experiences with them. There is a desire to know more. Often the questioner is trying to make sense of their experiences: are they real?
Before I ever knew what it meant, I was already psychic, but I wasn't yet a conscious psychic. The experiences I'd had weren't real to me.
The first chakra: safety, stability and belonging
The first chakra is an energy center that contains information about being secure, stable, protected, and grounded.
Located against your spine at the tailbone, this is the chakra to ground to the earth when you sit down to meditate. A grounded first chakra helps you to feel safe, and when you are safe you can create, grow, and release any unwanted energy that’s been hanging around inside of you. Having permission to ground yourself gives you the freedom to be who you are, live how you want to live, have health on every level of being, and feel like you belong, no matter where on earth you are.
Your meditation practice can bring more fun into your life
Yes, meditation is fun!
If you're having fun, you're doing something right. Meditation is one of my favorite practices for bringing more fun into my life.
Is it fun to feel good? Do you enjoy being validated, feeling creative, energized and healthy, being able to decisively take action when you know you want to do so? Do you want to know more about who you are? All of this is about being able to find your own energy, and have your space. Personally speaking, I find all of this stuff fun.
Who (or what) is in charge of your prosperity?
Are you the one who defines your prosperity?
Prosperity is a spiritual energy, one that you can decide for yourself. What you create with your spirit, leads into the rest of your life. When you work consciously on creating your pictures of what prosperity means to you, instead of adopting other people’s opinions, fears, and beliefs, you’ll be less affected by the highs and lows of the marketplace.
When you face yourself, look honestly within, and decide what is true for you, it becomes easier to create what you want.
Your daily practice allows you to focus, direct, and change your life
A daily practice is an awareness tool that helps you focus your energy more consciously.
Where you put your energy is where you create. Having a daily practice for yourself makes it possible for you to aim and place your energy where you want it, instead of where you don't. Your daily practice can help you to achieve your goals by redirecting the unconscious actions and habits that scatter you and leave you feeling unfocused and ungrounded.
Meditation brings inspiration and helps me manifest my creations
My best creative ideas don't show up when I'm in effort.
I cannot be trying hard in order to have brilliant ideas flowing. If I want gorgeous inspiration to show up and grace me with its presence, I have to relax and let go of any sticky desperate effort energy.
Inspiration is energy, and so are all the beautiful fun ideas that show up. Sometimes I get my best ideas while sitting in my meditation chair, eyes closed, breathing and grounding and releasing old energy. Regular meditation also helps me to have the ideas that show up, instead of judging them or immediately saying ‘no’ because I run into an unconscious fear about my ideas.
Be an artist of change
A student of mine asked me some specific questions about change and how to handle it, and inspired me to write this.
Here’s my take on change and growth, and how to navigate what sometimes feels like a bumpy ride.
It all begins with you: You want to change, and you decide to make positive changes in your life. Perhaps you’ve done this before, maybe many times. Some of the changes you’ve gone through in your life came about as a result of you choosing to change, and some of them might have seemed as if they just ‘happened’ to you. Either way, change is upon you.
How does meditation help you with being psychic?
The word Psychic is traditionally defined as 'of or pertaining to, the human soul'.
A modern definition of psychic would add: 'being psychic means being sensitive to and aware of, energy'. Psychics read the energy of a person, place, event, or situation.
Being psychic is natural and human. Each human being possesses the ability to be psychic, though not everyone is aware of having it, or even wants it.
Energy is the stuff we are all made of. It's in everyone and everything.
Being psychic doesn't have to make sense
Sometimes it doesn’t make sense.
It can’t be proven to anyone. It may not seem practical, but sometimes you can't ignore that feeling, that inner knowing. If you're trying to make sense of your instincts about something, you’ll miss the chance to receive the valuable information you’re receiving.
It may not be a pleasant feeling, like when someone is lying to you and you know it. Or perhaps a dream you had was so strong and real to you that you wanted to follow its message. It might be inconvenient – here you had all these plans so nicely drawn up, and something within you is telling you to change them, and that something is hard to ignore.
10 easy ways to ground yourself
Grounding is a tool you can use to make yourself safe and relaxed.
Grounding yourself helps you to release anxiety, depression, stress, pain and fatigue. You can more easily let go of the past, make your body happy and calm, and give yourself the permission to create what you want.