Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Clairvoyant notes on scarcity and competition
Are scarcity and competition the best way to do things, or can we choose a more creative cooperative path?
So much of what we are taught from the beginning of our lives is unconscious. We all learn from watching how others around us deal with emotions, challenges, and opportunities, or lack of.
What if I decide I am enough, just being myself?
I don’t need everyone to like me. I've decided that I like me.
Having permission to like yourself as you are might seem like a simple thing to want.
But it gets more complicated once we include the opinions of others.
What happens when you believe in yourself?
When you choose to believe in yourself, you’re ignoring the status quo that says you require approval from others in order to proceed with your belief in you.
Following the rules (someone else’s rules) isn’t on your agenda. Your spirit is self employed, and you’re following your internal truth. You’re not taking memos from others. You evolve this way, just by choosing to believe in you.
A belief in yourself is a positive ‘yes!’ to your spirit and its ability to move you in your life. Trust and faith are present and working their magic
Curiosity leads you to your true self
Your curiosity is the tool that will lead you to create an authentic life for yourself.
Curiosity makes it possible to imagine and create a brand new world, especially when you’ve come to the end of the old one. When you need a next step forward and a new adventure, get curious.
The perfect place to begin any adventure is with a thoughtful question. Questions are always more important than finding the correct answer. As for answers, they change as often as you do, which will be a lot if you keep asking quality questions.
Is your self image in present time with you?
One of the most important aspects of you as a being, is how you see yourself.
Your self image becomes your way of being in the world. How you see yourself matters to your life, and to your enjoyment of being you. Nobody else can convince you that you are worthy, or that it’s okay for you to have your life for yourself, if you don’t believe it too.
If you see yourself as capable, you’re more likely to reach out for something you want, and you’re more willing to take risks. When you have a present time positive self image, it’s easier to step out and be seen, and to shine.
Dare to be different from all the rest: be yourself
You already are one of a kind. All you really need to do to be different, to stand out in a crowd, is to be yourself.
This works even better if you can also love who you are, and own your own self image. ‘But who am I?’ you may well ask yourself, "can I really be myself?".
It’s your job to find this out. Along the way, others will attempt to help you do this, by telling you who they think you are. Most of them don’t really know, because nobody knows you better than you know yourself.
Is it time for self validation?
When you’re on a journey of self awareness and discovery, it can be all too easy to focus on the places you have gotten stuck in your life.
When you begin to dive into the work of knowing who you really are, you come face to face with all of the things you’ve tried and failed to be. That's the perfect time to take a self validation break, and remind yourself how far you've come.
While you’re in the middle of intense new growth, it might take everything you have to keep moving forward. If you get caught in what isn’t working, what you’re missing, or where you went wrong, you’ll forget to validate what went right.
Being in present time with your clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is the ability to see energy clearly.
You are made of energy, as is everyone and everything that exists. When you use your clairvoyance to see your world, you see beneath the surface. This helps you to become aware of and understand things others might miss because they are only seeing the surface of things.
‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ is true for everyone you know, including you.
Oh for the love of self
The parts of me I loved fiercely as a young girl were my certainty and strength.
At age 5 I was brave, with a fierce sense of right and wrong, and a natural love of myself.
The work you do on you, helps you to do your work
The time you spend giving to and healing yourself, is time well invested.
Sometimes I allow myself to get so busy with my work and activities that I run myself down. I’ve been primarily self employed for most of my adult years, and in my ever present enthusiasm to create my latest thing, I shirk my responsibilities to my body from time to time.
Do you have to choose between freedom and approval?
Are you torn between choosing to have what you want, and needing to have others approve of you?
When you don’t have the freedom to choose to create or have what you truly want, you might be giving up your space to fears that others won’t like you if you do the things you really want to do.