Self image pictures and your clairvoyant ability

I’ve been looking at and thinking about self image pictures this week, notably having a clear view of oneself.

I started thinking about this energy, the themes and pictures around it, last week while exchanging readings with a fellow clairvoyant, a colleague and friend. There was an energy that came up in the reading: I saw pictures around old illusions cracking like the hall of mirrors in the famous scene from the Orson Welles 1947 film, ‘The Lady From Shanghai’.

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Know Yourself, Consciousness Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Is your self image in present time with you?

One of the most important aspects of you as a being, is how you see yourself.

Your self image becomes your way of being in the world. How you see yourself matters to your life, and to your enjoyment of being you. Nobody else can convince you that you are worthy, or that it’s okay for you to have your life for yourself, if you don’t believe it too.

If you see yourself as capable, you’re more likely to reach out for something you want, and you’re more willing to take risks. When you have a present time positive self image, it’s easier to step out and be seen, and to shine.

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Energy Awareness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

On having your space in an ever changing world

It’s easy to lose perspective and space when going through times of great change.

Things seems to be moving faster every day, as if the planet itself is spinning more rapidly. Life on earth feels more intense these days, with brilliant miracles as well as big challenges showing up daily.

Because of all this intensity, we can get caught up in whatever is right in front of us more easily. This includes the latest news, someone else’s anger or problems or fears, politics, worries about jobs, money, relationships, and other issues that can take over.

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Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Is it time for self validation?

When you’re on a journey of self awareness and discovery, it can be all too easy to focus on the places you have gotten stuck in your life.

When you begin to dive into the work of knowing who you really are, you come face to face with all of the things you’ve tried and failed to be. That's the perfect time to take a self validation break, and remind yourself how far you've come.

While you’re in the middle of intense new growth, it might take everything you have to keep moving forward. If you get caught in what isn’t working, what you’re missing, or where you went wrong, you’ll forget to validate what went right.

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Know Yourself, Clairvoyance Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Clairvoyance Kris Cahill

Being in present time with your clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the ability to see energy clearly.

You are made of energy, as is everyone and everything that exists. When you use your clairvoyance to see your world, you see beneath the surface. This helps you to become aware of and understand things others might miss because they are only seeing the surface of things.

‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ is true for everyone you know, including you.

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