Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Clairvoyant teachers share what's fun about teaching the art of seeing energy
What’s it like to teach others how to turn on and use their psychic abilities?
I get to work with people from all over the world who are interested in learning how to turn on their own psychic abilities in a safe way, with skilled teachers who’ve been practicing and working with their own clairvoyant abilities for many years. I love my job!
Learning to trust myself begins (again) with commitment
Just when I thought I’d finally been getting the hang of it, it’s time to take another leap forward in learning how to trust.
I am specifically talking about trusting myself, and trusting that I am supported in my life. In other words - knowing that no matter what, my spirit’s got me, and my body knows what to do. Learning to trust myself is a daily practice that began when I chose to make a commitment to my own growth and healing. Since that time, I’ve become quite used to trusting myself in so many important ways. When it’s time again for me to take a step forward, take some chances, and be vulnerable - I realize I’ve got another round of trusting to do.
When spirit becomes your daily companion, life changes for the better
Learning to slow down to have more space.
I’ve always been a bit fiery and fast moving, and I'm not the most patient of souls sometimes. These are some of the things I'm working on adjusting for myself. I get stuff done, but it's more fun for me if I remember that what's most important is the spirit I bring along with me. I'd like to be operating more from a place of inner peace and relaxation, in other words, trust.
The days I rush through my morning daily practice, (meditation etc.) because I convince myself that I'm too busy or over scheduled, I feel it.
Affinity is a spiritual ability from the heart
Affinity is a spiritual ability contained within the 4th chakra, an ability every bit as important as the abilities to be safe, feel energy, see clearly, and so on.
Each of your seven main chakras contains information about you and your abilities – survival, emotions, energy, affinity, communication, clairvoyance, knowingness – to name a few of your numerous spiritual abilities. The 4th chakra, also known as the heart chakra, is positioned in the middle of the 7 chakras running up the spine, right at the heart. This chakra is the bridge between the lower 3 body chakras and the upper 3 spirit chakras.
The 4th Chakra rules Affinity and Love – love of others, yourself, your creations.
Psychic is an everyday way of being
Everyday is an adjective that means commonplace, ordinary, or normal.
You are psychic every day, and being psychic is an everyday thing. It's normal and human to be so, and you were born this way.
The great thing about being psychic is that there's plenty of it to go around. Because being psychic is within each of us, there is no shortage of psychics on earth. You can be psychic your way, and I can be psychic mine. Nobody gets to tell you or me that we are doing it wrong.
Clairvoyants, healers, and psychics at my door
I’m privileged to have met countless capable psychics in my lifetime.
Clairvoyants, healers, and psychics show up all the time, sometimes right at my front door. These days there are more of them than ever before.
The funny thing is that many of them are unaware of their special abilities, and of the great value of the resources that lie within them.
They might be convinced that they’re not very clairvoyant, and definitely not psychic. As proof of this, they point to their failures – if they were truly psychic, they wouldn’t make mistakes, right? And what does it mean to be a healer anyway?