Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Learning to trust myself begins (again) with commitment
Just when I thought I’d finally been getting the hang of it, it’s time to take another leap forward in learning how to trust.
I am specifically talking about trusting myself, and trusting that I am supported in my life. In other words - knowing that no matter what, my spirit’s got me, and my body knows what to do. Learning to trust myself is a daily practice that began when I chose to make a commitment to my own growth and healing. Since that time, I’ve become quite used to trusting myself in so many important ways. When it’s time again for me to take a step forward, take some chances, and be vulnerable - I realize I’ve got another round of trusting to do.
Value yourself and others will follow
What if your real value is based on how you value yourself?
When you value yourself, you teach others that you have value, which sounds like a simple thing to do, doesn’t it? If you've been thinking it works the other way, and have been trying to find your value out there, rather than within, you've been depending on others to tell you what you’re worth. Or, you’ve judged your value based on how you think you compare to others.
What can you create when you say yes?
Today is a great day to begin a new practice: say yes.
Especially if you have an automatic habit of saying no, start to say yes instead.
Your ‘yes’ welcomes new experiences and opportunities into your life. New people come along with those new experiences. Fresh points of view help you to break out of old tired routines.
When spirit becomes your daily companion, life changes for the better
Learning to slow down to have more space.
I’ve always been a bit fiery and fast moving, and I'm not the most patient of souls sometimes. These are some of the things I'm working on adjusting for myself. I get stuff done, but it's more fun for me if I remember that what's most important is the spirit I bring along with me. I'd like to be operating more from a place of inner peace and relaxation, in other words, trust.
The days I rush through my morning daily practice, (meditation etc.) because I convince myself that I'm too busy or over scheduled, I feel it.
Being psychic needs no effort
Being psychic and accessing your psychic abilities requires no effort.
Your psychic abilities are natural and human. Being in effort just gets in the way of having your abilities on and working for you. Your intuition, clairvoyance, knowingness, telepathy, clairaudience, and other spiritual abilities, will seem unreal or unreachable to you if you’re in effort about having them.
If you find yourself in effort about being psychic, you may be in judgment of those very abilities you’re trying to access.
Inside gentleness there is great strength
Gentleness is sometimes mistakenly interpreted as weakness.
To a culture that prides itself on its show of strength, people who prefer to work in a gentle way are seen as being weak: unable to protect, defend, or fight for themselves. The prevailing wisdom in our modern American culture is that might and violence are necessary to 'save the day' and get things done.
Non-violence, to this belief system, is considered weakness, and therefore completely unable to create positive change.
Transformation time on planet Earth
Transformation time is upon us, all of us, everywhere on this brilliant planet we share, this beautiful earth.
We learn more about the world around us by the minute. New creations, inventions, and discoveries are showing up every day. The earth itself is transforming before our eyes, and we are being reminded to make more thoughtful, conscious, and intelligent choices about how we treat our home and the other beings who live here with us.
The great news is that the really big changes are happening within us. Opportunities for personal spiritual growth and awareness are endless.
The mystical growth of the Joshua tree
Several years back, I went to Joshua Tree State Park to see the annual blooming of the Joshua trees.
I joined a fascinating talk given by one of the park rangers, called ‘Meeting the Joshua Tree’, and learned about the mystical growth of these special trees. Each tree is unique and different, often markedly so. There is no genetic predisposition to become a perfect Joshua tree shape – each tree is a perfect Joshua tree and each is one of a kind, like fingerprints.
What happens when you believe in yourself?
When you choose to believe in yourself, you’re ignoring the status quo that says you require approval from others in order to proceed with your belief in you.
Following the rules (someone else’s rules) isn’t on your agenda. Your spirit is self employed, and you’re following your internal truth. You’re not taking memos from others. You evolve this way, just by choosing to believe in you.
A belief in yourself is a positive ‘yes!’ to your spirit and its ability to move you in your life. Trust and faith are present and working their magic
Be an artist of change
A student of mine asked me some specific questions about change and how to handle it, and inspired me to write this.
Here’s my take on change and growth, and how to navigate what sometimes feels like a bumpy ride.
It all begins with you: You want to change, and you decide to make positive changes in your life. Perhaps you’ve done this before, maybe many times. Some of the changes you’ve gone through in your life came about as a result of you choosing to change, and some of them might have seemed as if they just ‘happened’ to you. Either way, change is upon you.
How does meditation help you with being psychic?
The word Psychic is traditionally defined as 'of or pertaining to, the human soul'.
A modern definition of psychic would add: 'being psychic means being sensitive to and aware of, energy'. Psychics read the energy of a person, place, event, or situation.
Being psychic is natural and human. Each human being possesses the ability to be psychic, though not everyone is aware of having it, or even wants it.
Energy is the stuff we are all made of. It's in everyone and everything.
Have a commitment to your own spiritual growth
Your commitment to your spirit is the most important commitment you’ll ever make.
You are the one who is in charge of your own spiritual growth, and it’s your personal business as to how you choose to grow. Your spiritual growth leads to all other growth. You get to decide what this means for you, and how you will go about having it.
It’s important to remember that you can’t do this for anyone else.