Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Are you ready to be disillusioned?
Contrary to popular opinion, becoming disillusioned might not be so bad.
Finding yourself disillusioned means that you’re no longer under an illusion of some kind.
What if this means that now you’re able and willing to see what’s really going on? The veil has lifted, and you can see clearly now.
Your authenticity heals and transforms your world
What happens when you dive into the depths of yourself and find your authenticity?
When you get very honest about who you are right now, what changes for you? When you question what’s real and authentic for yourself, you choose to look deeper than the surface of things. You grow when you choose to follow your spirit’s truth. When you answer your own deepest questions truthfully, you’re willing to see clearly now, to drop your old illusions.
The truth and who gets to tell it
Whose truth are you following? Who do you believe?
Do you need me to agree with what you believe? You might believe something is your truth, but that doesn't mean it's mine too. Is there room here for us to disagree, peacefully?
When a belief becomes The Truth, conflicts erupt. If your truth doesn't match the truth of another person, and there's no space for both truths to exist, what happens?