Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Destruction is not an enemy, but a gift
You've surely noticed that destruction is a recurring and uncontrollable part of life.
So is creation, but destruction is the energy that gets the bad rap. Destruction is judged as a negative, an unnecessary evil, and it often gets mixed up with other energies like anger, unkindness, and war. Bad, bad destruction! Destruction is the bad girl (or boy) of energies.
Some of what is said about destruction goes like this: good and nice people don’t willingly destroy a perfectly good thing, and women are not supposed to destroy at all.
The truth and who gets to tell it
Whose truth are you following? Who do you believe?
Do you need me to agree with what you believe? You might believe something is your truth, but that doesn't mean it's mine too. Is there room here for us to disagree, peacefully?
When a belief becomes The Truth, conflicts erupt. If your truth doesn't match the truth of another person, and there's no space for both truths to exist, what happens?
What have you agreed to have?
Can you have for yourself the beauty, wealth, health, happiness, peace, freedom, and love that exist in endless quantities in this Universe?
Can you trust in something you don't yet have and perhaps can't see, but know in your heart is possible?