Consciousness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Consciousness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

On becoming aware: consciousness and unconsciousness

When awareness dawns on you, is it like watching the sun rise?

Upon becoming aware, what had been hidden under cover of darkness is now fully exposed in the light. Once you see it, it’s hard to pretend that it doesn’t exist.

This awareness can be a welcoming thing, and it can be a sudden shock to your system. You may realize truths about yourself or other people that allow you to see things in a new way, and so you grow.

You might need to go through a period of mourning for what was, for your illusions about what existed. Being ‘disillusioned’ simply means you no longer have those illusions. Now you can work from a place of truth, of clarity and consciousness.

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Spiritual Activism, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Spiritual Activism, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Bring your spirit to the revolution

Many years ago, when I was in my 20's, my friends and I would talk about the revolution that was to come.

We believed that things weren't right, there was so much pain on earth, and that the coming revolution would make everything fair and peaceful.

Our picture was that things were going to change for the better on planet earth, someday.

We had a vague notion that life as we knew it would have to go away, so that a new way of being could come into existence, and that it might get messy first. But it would be totally worth it because life would become easier and more fair for the people who'd been suffering. Plus all the mean people would somehow go away too.

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Spiritual Agreements, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Don’t take it personally, but it’s all about you

Each of us has experienced having our feelings hurt, whether it was unintentionally through another’s careless words and actions, or from someone who hurt us on purpose in order to see us suffer.

It’s hard to not take it personally when you feel mistreated and overlooked. It’s not fun to feel left out, ostracized, or insulted, no matter how old you are.

Not only does it hurt, it can cause you to doubt yourself, and to feel insecure about who you are.

If you’ve ever been excluded by your peers, family, schoolmates, workmates, or the society you come from, it can feel very personal.

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The transformational power of love

The energy of love has great power to transform each human being on this planet.

So does the energy of hate.

In order to work its magic, love needs human beings to agree to have it, be it, become it.

In order to work its pain and terror, hate also needs human beings to agree to it, and to become it.

Love is a happy energy. The power of love is that it validates, soothes, heals, gives. Love is inclusive, community building, joyful.

Hate is miserable, closed minded, invalidating, divisive, sickening.

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Spiritual Activism, Consciousness Kris Cahill Spiritual Activism, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Why I am consciously optimistic

Consciousness is awareness. Deciding to be conscious is a choice.

Sometimes it seems like there is no reason to be optimistic, and that choosing optimism is a delusional act.

When you become aware of what's really going on around you, and allow yourself to finally see clearly, it can often seem bleak, at first. What's worse is that you might have to let go of some of your cherished illusions, the ones in which you really immersed yourself.

You may have to destroy old ways of seeing and being, if you want to become fully aware of what’s happening inside of you and around you. Destruction and disillusion are part of becoming conscious.

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Spiritual Activism, Creativity Kris Cahill Spiritual Activism, Creativity Kris Cahill

Optimism is a revolutionary and spiritual choice

I am an optimist, happily so. I’ve been one my whole life, and expect to continue.

I feel fortunate and grateful that I tend to look on the sunny side, even when there’s nothing but clouds. If the glass looks empty, I have no doubt it’ll fill up again. This attitude has brought me many blessings and happy things, as well as more reasons to be optimistic.

Just because I choose optimism as my default setting, doesn’t mean I’m there all the time, not by a long shot. And it doesn’t mean I’m not afraid. 

Some days I wake up and find it necessary to sweep and sculpt myself back into a happier shape, bit by bit.

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Spiritual Agreements, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

What is spiritual freedom?

The freedom to be healthy in body, mind, spirit, to have health on all levels of being, is all about spiritual freedom.

It begins in your spirit. There are certain freedoms we each take for granted in our lives each day.

While you would certainly defend your right to make your own choices, because they are a given for you, there may be other places where you haven't yet freed yourself. Spiritual freedom is the first step.

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Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Oh for the love of self

The parts of me I loved fiercely as a young girl were my certainty and strength.

At age 5 I was brave, with a fierce sense of right and wrong, and a natural love of myself.

I wouldn't allow any other kid to talk down to me or mistreat me. I owned who I was, and I protected those I cared for. I was respected and popular in my neighborhood.

This changed when I was 7; my family moved to a new neighborhood, and suddenly my old love of self was gone, replaced by a picture of myself as pretender.

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Clairvoyance, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Clairvoyance begins with curiosity and a sense of wonder

Can you imagine going through your life without a sense of curiosity and wonder?

Curiosity is one of the greatest tools a clairvoyant has to work with. It’s the human ability to wonder that makes it possible to discover, invent, create, and learn.

Clairvoyance is made richer and more powerful by the ability to be curious. A beginning clairvoyant is taught to open up that sense, to begin asking questions like, “I wonder what this is that I’m seeing?”, or “I wonder what comes next?”.

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Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

The act of creating consciously begins with your energy

Your energy vibration has a lot to say about what you are able to create.

Consciously or not, your energy is set at one vibration or another right now. You might be vibrating at a happy peaceful energy, or you could be caught up in a more challenging vibe of fear, resistance, and pain.

A happy vibration of energy makes it easier for you to visualize what you want, and to know it’s possible to attain it.

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Clearing karma is completing old business

If you’ve been feeling like you’re living in the middle of a storm, you’re not alone.

It can be easy to feel isolated and all alone during times of great duress and stress; times of clearing karma.

If one shoe after another keeps falling on you, it can also be easy to take it personally.

Though it’s not easy, it’s not necessarily personal, either. If you feel overwhelmed, know that it’s a time that will pass, much like a storm does.

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