Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Follow your heart and you won’t be lost
If you follow your heart, you won't be walking on anyone else’s beaten path.
Even though you may feel lost from time to time, you can't lose your way if you're making your own path. Your path won’t exist until you create it, and it's yours alone to find. So who's to say you're lost? You're discovering your path, and when you're on a journey there is no lost, only discovery.
Anyone who judges you for doing it the wrong way isn't paying attention to their own path. Like an explorer charting wild and unknown territory, when you follow your heart you have the opportunity to discover the secrets you have hidden deep within.
Ain’t nobody’s business if I have peace within
Wouldn't it be nice to live your life without worrying about other people's opinions and judgments all of the time?
What if you didn’t care what others thought about you? Can you imagine the freedom you'd create for yourself by not caring about or needing other people's approval? If you lived unconcerned about the judgment coming from others who have a strong opinion about what everyone else needs to be doing, you'd create a lot more peace within yourself. If you don't give the gossip and uncomfortable judgments a place to land, they can't spread very far.
We’re all making it up as we go
A new day begins, bringing with it more opportunities for you to choose.
In each moment, you're making it up as you go. Beginning with getting out of bed in the morning, you’re responsible for a bevy of choices about your life today. What mood will you embrace as you step into the day? What attitude will you choose to carry with you on your path?
You get to decide what clothes you’re wearing for the day ahead, and you also get to decide what energy you’re carrying with you. It’s not always easy to decide how you’re going to feel, but you do get to choose what you will do about how you feel.
Following your heart is a gift to all
Have you considered that following your heart is a gift to the rest of us?
If you’ve been of the mindset that taking care of yourself first, and listening to your own true desires is selfish and unrealistic, here’s some good news for you. When you listen to what you want and follow your own internal guidance system, you will create a happy and fulfilled life for yourself.
You'll be living in your own truth, and be able to become who you are here to be.