Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
I can see clearly now
Have you ever gone through a time when suddenly you can see what’s in front of you more clearly?
I’ll never forget the first time I saw through some of what had been making it difficult for me to see what was right in front of me.
I was in my 4th grade Catholic school classroom, sitting in the midst of an emotional battlefield happening between a nun and another child my age. It didn’t feel safe to be in a body in that room during this battle. But then I felt as if a filter that had been blocking my ability to see what was happening, suddenly lifted
Having your clairvoyance turned on is living in full color
If you want to have a more colorful life, learn how to use your clairvoyant ability.
Clairvoyance is the spiritual ability to see energy clearly. You were born with this - it’s the ability to see more than what is just in front of you, or presented to you. Clairvoyance makes it possible for you to see deep into a situation or energy, including your own, and to see the truth that might not be visible otherwise.
You can learn to take control of your psychic abilities
Your psychic abilities are real and belong to you.
But what do you do with unwanted psychic information?
When you feel like you don’t have control over the energy and information coming into your awareness and space, you’re not the one in charge of your psychic abilities. It’s like having a beautiful car to drive, except that you never get to decide where you’re going. Something else, some other agenda, comes in to drive your energy, instead of you. Before you know it, you have a dent and a flat tire, and you didn’t even get to see what you wanted to see!
Clairvoyance is not about predicting the future
The demand to predict the future is intense, and often invalidating.
When you require predictions from outside of you for what is going to happen in the future, you invalidate your own spirit’s ability to see, know, and most importantly, create. You give away your power to create your future. If you get stuck in believing that others outside of yourself have this power, they will gladly choose for you.
Each of us has dreams, desires, and wishes.
Psychic is an everyday way of being
Everyday is an adjective that means commonplace, ordinary, or normal.
You are psychic every day, and being psychic is an everyday thing. It's normal and human to be so, and you were born this way.
The great thing about being psychic is that there's plenty of it to go around. Because being psychic is within each of us, there is no shortage of psychics on earth. You can be psychic your way, and I can be psychic mine. Nobody gets to tell you or me that we are doing it wrong.
The 4th chakra and the spiritual revolution
Revolutions throughout history have a reputation for being loud, violent, bloody, and not always leading to a reliable outcome, depending on your point of view.
Revolutions come in many forms, and each one is unique. The word ‘revolution’ itself has a number of definitions, including this one: “a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something: a change of paradigm”.
No matter your current age, you have lived through some form of revolution. In the early 21st century, you will continue to do so daily. Transformation and evolution are happening swiftly, all around us, all over the world.
Clairvoyants, healers, and psychics at my door
I’m privileged to have met countless capable psychics in my lifetime.
Clairvoyants, healers, and psychics show up all the time, sometimes right at my front door. These days there are more of them than ever before.
The funny thing is that many of them are unaware of their special abilities, and of the great value of the resources that lie within them.
They might be convinced that they’re not very clairvoyant, and definitely not psychic. As proof of this, they point to their failures – if they were truly psychic, they wouldn’t make mistakes, right? And what does it mean to be a healer anyway?
Clairvoyance is using your imagination in a wonderful way
Without too much effort, you can probably see a miracle from where you’re sitting.
One at the very least. Maybe not as spectacular as this image, but miraculous all the same. If you don't see anything that looks miraculous to you, keep looking. Make sure you use your imagination.
Why is clairvoyance so impolite?
When you were a small child, you might have been told to not stare at people, especially strangers, because it was impolite.
You might have wondered what the big deal was – you were just looking, after all. If you’ve ever been stared at by a little kid, you know the feeling of being seen.