Grounding, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Grounding, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

Grounding changes your experience of having a body

My entire experience of being a person in a body changed the day I learned how to ground myself properly.

After having a careless unconscious relationship with my body for many years, I was full of so much energy that wasn’t even mine, and that I didn’t know what to do with.

Like many people, I had believed the lie that my body wasn’t that smart, and that it needed me to tell it what to do.

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Clairvoyance, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill

I’ll have my non-judgment with a side of kindness please

As a clairvoyant student, I was trained in the art of non-judgment.

In order to see clairvoyantly, it is necessary to look without judging.

Non-judgment is also called neutrality. The ability to see neutrally is already within each of us, and we can decide to use it.

Looking at something or someone without judging means that it’s easier to see what’s really there. My clairvoyant training reminded me that I had the ability to see without judgment, and as soon as I began to work from this part of myself, my clairvoyant ability developed into a beautiful gift for my daily life.

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Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill

Why is clairvoyance so impolite?

When you were a small child, you might have been told to not stare at people, especially strangers, because it was impolite.

You might have wondered what the big deal was – you were just looking, after all.

If you’ve ever been stared at by a little kid, you know the feeling of being seen.

When that child looks at you, he is using his clairvoyance to see the real you, and isn't judging you the way that older people do when they look. She isn’t worried about your skin color, or what you are wearing, or what kind of car you’re driving. He doesn’t care about your economic standing, what neighborhood you’re from, or what school you attend.

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Spiritual Agreements, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Do you have to choose between freedom and approval?

Are you torn between choosing to have what you want, and needing to have others approve of you?

When you don’t have the freedom to choose to create or have what you truly want, you might be giving up your space to fears that others won’t like you if you do the things you really want to do.

If you’re afraid you’ll anger someone or hurt their feelings if you change, you are allowing your need for their approval to control you. You cannot blame somebody else for this. It’s within your power to change it, not theirs.

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Did you bring enough for everyone?

Is it possible for you to have what you want, without having to bring enough for everyone?

Or, are you responsible for providing for the others?

Do you feel guilty if you get a windfall, do well on a test, get the callback, win the contest, get the job, have the happy relationship – when there are so many others who didn’t, can’t, won’t, or don’t have? Do you have guilt about having what you want?

If you have been responsible for keeping it together for others in your life, you may have a hard time simply having for yourself.

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Energy Awareness, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

Let go of the lies that keep you small and hidden

This week’s self healing tip: if you believe something about yourself that makes you feel like hiding, find a way to let it go. It is not your truth.

Only you can let go of the lies that hold you back, but you will need to first face them directly. What is this lie telling you? Do you know who or where it came from? Does it have a face and/or voice behind it?

Maybe you believed something someone told you a long long time ago, almost out of memory’s reach, and you’re still holding onto it as if it were your present time truth. You might have used it, this lie you are holding onto, as a support or crutch, an excuse.

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Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

The art of letting go of perfection

Trying to achieve or maintain a state of perfection can feel like being locked in a cage – one of your own making.

When you are never enough, or can never give enough, no matter how much you give of yourself, you may be aiming for a widely sought after, popular state of being, known as perfection. Letting go of perfection can be tough, and it's possible to learn how to do it.

A bird in a cage may look perfectly content and beautiful, but while in the cage can never access its greatest ability: flight. Are you the bird who has locked yourself away, thereby preventing yourself from being able to access your own ability to fly?

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Know Yourself, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill

Changing the culture, one crown chakra at a time

Your crown chakra contains your ability to communicate with spirit and to know your own answers.

Also known as the 7th chakra, your crown chakra is the part of you that helps you know yourself, and to know your own truth. 

There is a lot of competition for what you know, and for what you get to know. Many people are invested in how and what you know, and whether you are allowed to know. More than a few would prefer that you don't know certain things. 

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Healing Yourself, Consciousness Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Consciousness Kris Cahill

On becoming a conscious healer

Many well meaning and compassionate people make the mistake of giving away their healing energy.

Some believe that being a healer means they have to give their healing energy to others. They unconsciously walk through their life healing everyone in sight. They feel responsible for healing or fixing all the pain they come across. They give away their own energy.

There is giving, and then there is giving away.

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