The personal is political is spiritual

Your consciousness changes the world in which you live.

When you decide to wake up and become aware, that simple action changes your world.

Of course, once you do all that, you’ll find it very difficult to go back to sleep and ignore what’s happening around you, or worse, pretend it isn’t. Even if it’s hard to know, it’s harder to be unconscious.

We certainly live in an illuminating time, which isn’t to say that it’s easy here on earth.

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Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

The gift of a good attitude

The gift you bring with you every day, is you.

Your good attitude matters. Whatever you’ve been feeling or experiencing, literally comes with you.

If you’re happy, happiness comes along. If you are invalidated, sad, bored, unconscious, amused, joyful, neutral, judgmental… all of that comes with too. The vibration of energy you're carrying with you affects everyone around you, whether you know them or not.

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Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

The beauty of this moment

Everything possible unfolds right now. This moment is when it's all happening.

Some folks live in the past, in what they choose to remember as a happier, simpler time. Other people are caught up in trying to solve old problems, wounds, and invalidation.

The things that drag us back to the past include regrets, disappointments, dreams that died, old friendships and relationships, the way one looked when younger, the life unlived, the approval never given, the opportunities missed, the ‘if onlys’, and other things that are long gone.

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Grounding, Creativity Kris Cahill Grounding, Creativity Kris Cahill

Grounding yourself helps you grow a grounded business

If you want a grounded business, begin with you.

Grounding makes things real, and helps you to manifest your creations. If you want to create a successful business, career, or job, look no further than yourself.

Your energy is the most important ingredient in making your vision real.  Grounding yourself is a good first step to take as you work to make your business thrive.

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Know Yourself, Creativity Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Creativity Kris Cahill

Be the star of your own life

Some people believe there's not much to see when you look at them.

They don't imagine that they can be the star of anything.

They picture themselves as being small and plain, without much talent or ability at anything special. They constantly compare themselves to others and always come up short.

As a result, they hide their talents, are often invisible, and can't be seen behind all of the invalidating energy that surrounds them.

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Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Validation from within gets you where you want to be

If you want it to be real for you, you've got to find your validation from within yourself.

Validation is a spiritual vibration that affects you on every level, but especially in your emotions. You can feel validation from within.

Validation is not an intellectual energy. You can be validated for your intellect, but unless you are allowed to have the validation for yourself, you may try to prove your worth to others. This often turns into a never ending cycle of needing to 'prove' you have worth in order to have it.

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The healing power of anger

Who had permission to get angry in your house when you were growing up?

Was it you, your mother or father, or someone else? Was anger accepted as a normal, natural human emotion? Or was it judged as being a negative and unsafe emotion?

It may be that only the women in your family were allowed to get angry, or only the men. There simply wasn’t room for anyone else ‘to express their feelings of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility’ – (Webster’s definition of anger).

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Forgiveness leads to trust

What if you decide to forgive and let go? What if others do the same?

Simply by forgiving each other and especially our own selves, we go a long way to creating more trust in the world. Forgiveness is a big part of learning to trust.

If you forgive yourself, another person, or a group that hurt you, you free up your own energy and reclaim your power. This helps you regain trust for yourself, your choices, and life in general.

Perhaps you lost trust in yourself because you made a choice that wasn’t the best for you.

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My new American Dream has room for everyone

There is a big rescue effort underway in the United States to bring back the American Dream and save the endangered species known as the middle class.

According to sources, this species has been under attack since approximately 1980, and is in danger of becoming extinct.

The middle class has apparently had its version of the American Dream stomped on and severely damaged by strong opponents. The attacks continue to this day, and the Middle Class is fighting for its life.

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Waking up can be an alarming proposition

What shakes up when you wake up?

If it’s been feeling like an earthquake is happening even when the ground isn’t rocking, you are noticing the effects of huge change. This change is happening not just Out There but inside of you. You are in the process of waking up.

It’s time for a new way of doing business. The old structures are crumbling, mostly because we humans are done with them. We’ve learned what we created them to learn, and now we get to create new structures, and live in a new way, based on the information we have gleaned from the old.

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