Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Healing yourself by becoming you, from the inside out
There are as many ways to heal as there are human beings on this planet.
We have the power to heal ourselves, and we don’t have to do it all by ourselves. Only you can decide what is healing for you, and how healing looks for you.
Validation from within can never be taken away
When you choose to believe in yourself, you’re ignoring the status quo that says you require approval from others in order to proceed with your belief in you.
Many of us, myself included, have been the cheerleaders and validators for others in our lifetime - whether friends, family, students, clients, co-workers, strangers we meet and encourage.
Updating my agreements with myself
Agreements, among other things, make the world go round.
Every aspect of life has agreements attached, both conscious and unconscious ones.
Conscious agreements include the agreement to speak the truth, and to hear that truth.
Ain’t nobody’s business if I have peace within
Wouldn't it be nice to live your life without worrying about other people's opinions and judgments all of the time?
What if you didn’t care what others thought about you? Can you imagine the freedom you'd create for yourself by not caring about or needing other people's approval? If you lived unconcerned about the judgment coming from others who have a strong opinion about what everyone else needs to be doing, you'd create a lot more peace within yourself. If you don't give the gossip and uncomfortable judgments a place to land, they can't spread very far.
The greatest psychic ability is to know yourself
Nobody knows you better than you know yourself.
If someone tells you they know you better than you do, they are misinformed. They might be saying that they know who they want you to be, who you are 'supposed' to be, or who you want them to think you are. Meanwhile, the actual truth of who you are might be hidden and protected down deep, under a surface of demands, responsibilities, beliefs, agreements, and other people’s energy.
Your truth might be so well hidden that even you are having a hard time seeing it. You might not know yourself, the real you, at all.
Following your heart is a gift to all
Have you considered that following your heart is a gift to the rest of us?
If you’ve been of the mindset that taking care of yourself first, and listening to your own true desires is selfish and unrealistic, here’s some good news for you. When you listen to what you want and follow your own internal guidance system, you will create a happy and fulfilled life for yourself.
You'll be living in your own truth, and be able to become who you are here to be.
How can you increase your value?
Is it you who gets to decide that you have value? Have you been waiting for others to see it first?
If you allow your value to be determined for you by the judgments or standards of others, you may want to rethink this choice. Yes, this is a choice, even if it’s an unconscious one.
Somewhere along the way, you gave up ownership of your self worth to someone or something else. Your family, society, teachers, culture, group, or even your friends might be the ones you allow to decide your value for you. If you haven’t been feeling good about yourself lately, and nobody around you is very validating to you, perhaps you need to reclaim your value for yourself.
Question authority and become your own
You may recognize this famous photo, taken during an antiwar demonstration in 1967.
The 1960′s ushered in a revolution in ways of thinking and living, life. A tumultuous time, it was marked by both an end to innocence*, as well as a longing for more of the same. The old was explosively giving way to the new, as people all around the earth were born into a new era.
*Innocence Is defined in this example as ‘not knowing’ or ‘unaware’.
Validation from within gets you where you want to be
If you want it to be real for you, you've got to find your validation from within yourself.
Validation is a spiritual vibration that affects you on every level, but especially in your emotions. You can feel validation from within.
What does it mean to have your space?
As a psychic reader, I often look at the energy of having space.
Sometimes the person I’m reading has lost her or his space, given it up to something or someone else. Other energy has become more important in that person’s space than their own energy, needs, health, desires, dreams, or information.
Listen to your wild self
The other night in a dream, a wild earthy woman spoke to me.
Barefoot, wearing colorful clothing, she gave off a magical vibe. She stood near a fire, and on the earth. She belonged to the earth, and looked perfectly comfortable inside her own skin. She did not concern herself with others’ opinions of her.
Let go of the lies that keep you small and hidden
This week’s self healing tip: if you believe something about yourself that makes you feel like hiding, find a way to let it go. It is not your truth.
Only you can let go of the lies that hold you back, but you will need to first face them directly. What is this lie telling you? Do you know who or where it came from? Does it have a face and/or voice behind it?