Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Have your space by being who you are
When you give yourself the freedom to be exactly who you are, you have space.
When you allow yourself to take up space without having to explain yourself to anyone else, you have enough room to breathe and to be. You have the right to exist, and you know why you’re here.
You are here to learn who you are. This isn't anyone else's job, only you can do it. You have permission to make your own decisions without waiting for approval from anyone else, when you choose to be yourself.
The greatest psychic ability is to know yourself
Nobody knows you better than you know yourself.
If someone tells you they know you better than you do, they are misinformed. They might be saying that they know who they want you to be, who you are 'supposed' to be, or who you want them to think you are. Meanwhile, the actual truth of who you are might be hidden and protected down deep, under a surface of demands, responsibilities, beliefs, agreements, and other people’s energy.
Your truth might be so well hidden that even you are having a hard time seeing it. You might not know yourself, the real you, at all.
Self healing your way to freedom
Is there anything better than feeling well, happy, and enthusiastic about your life?
Is good health worth more to you than money, power, or prestige? Financial wealth doesn’t guarantee you’ll be healthy, and it’s difficult to enjoy it freely if you’re not feeling well, isn’t it?
It all begins with energy, spirit. Good health, illness, enthusiasm, joy, happiness, depression – all begin with energy.
How do you see your relationship to freedom?
You might see freedom as a way of living your life, perhaps as a goal with a desired outcome.
Freedom might equate having the peace of mind to know that you don’t have to worry about paying your bills. Some people see freedom as patriotism, and all of the ideas and pictures associated with that. Then there is the freedom to love who you choose, and to be safe where you live - the freedom to be who you are.
Others, more bleakly, see freedom as an impossible to achieve dream.
The world changed forever when you got here
As soon as you showed up, the world you live in became a different place.
Being very small at the time, you weren’t aware of what an enormous impact you were already having. You were too busy figuring out how to have a body.
Though you looked pretty harmless, you were already destroying everything in your path. In fact, your very first act upon arrival was to destroy what had been in existence before you got here.
The personal is political is spiritual
Your consciousness changes the world in which you live.
When you decide to wake up and become aware, that simple action changes your world. Of course, once you do all that, you’ll find it very difficult to go back to sleep and ignore what’s happening around you, or worse, pretend it isn’t. Even if it’s hard to know, it’s harder to be unconscious.
On becoming aware: consciousness and unconsciousness
When awareness dawns on you, is it like watching the sun rise?
Upon becoming aware, what had been hidden under cover of darkness is now fully exposed in the light. Once you see it, it’s hard to pretend that it doesn’t exist.
What is spiritual freedom?
The freedom to be healthy in body, mind, spirit, to have health on all levels of being, is all about spiritual freedom.
It begins in your spirit. There are certain freedoms we each take for granted in our lives each day.