Spiritual Evolution, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Spiritual Evolution, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

Peace is more than an absence of war

Peace is a quality of life issue.

Peace is a creative, living energy. True peace isn’t static – there is constant movement and growth in its creation. When we decide to make peace a choice, we can choose it again and again.

Having a passion for this healing vibration means you can create from an experience of having peace, rather than in response to war. What if peace were much more than just not fighting?

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Your vibration of energy matters more than ever

You are made of energy, and your energy has a vibration.

You’re always vibrating at one energetic tone or another, and you’ve done so your whole life. Happiness, pain, fear, love, excitement, anticipation, peace, forgiveness, anger, invalidation, kindness. These are all vibrations of energy to which you can match or unmatch.

Consciousness and unconsciousness play a big part in this.

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I see peaceful people wherever I go

Being peaceful is easier than it seems.

We think it has to be hard to have peace, but it can be this simple. If you want to see peace on this earth, in your city, and in your lifetime, create peace within yourself, and carry it with you wherever you go. By your example, others will see that they can do this too. You bring them the gift of peace. 

You become an inspiration for this healing because of your own commitment to healing from the wars that rage constantly on this planet, and have done so for much of human history.

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Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Validation from within gets you where you want to be

If you want it to be real for you, you've got to find your validation from within yourself.

Validation is a spiritual vibration that affects you on every level, but especially in your emotions. You can feel validation from within.

Validation is not an intellectual energy. You can be validated for your intellect, but unless you are allowed to have the validation for yourself, you may try to prove your worth to others. This often turns into a never ending cycle of needing to 'prove' you have worth in order to have it.

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Energy Awareness, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

Validation is a vibration of energy that comes from within you

When you run the vibration of validation, others around you can feel it. 

The people you want to have in your life are attracted to you because of this energy. 

As a vibration of energy, validation comes from within. Nobody else can make you feel this vibration, and nobody gets to decide whether you have this. You're the one who chooses validation for yourself. 

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