Your vibration of energy matters more than ever

You are made of energy, and your energy has a vibration.

You’re always vibrating at one energetic tone or another, and you’ve done so your whole life. Happiness, pain, fear, love, excitement, anticipation, peace, forgiveness, anger, invalidation, kindness. These are all vibrations of energy to which you can match or unmatch.

Consciousness and unconsciousness play a big part in this.

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Creativity, Consciousness Kris Cahill Creativity, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Creating consciously begins with your focus

You may not fully appreciate how much value there is in your focus, in what you pay attention to.

For one thing, the simple act of putting your attention onto something helps to change that thing. Your attention, your focus on a thing shifts the energy of that thing. This is called the observer effect. According to Wikipedia: “In science, the term observer effect means that the act of observing will influence the phenomenon being observed.”

When you focus consciously on something, you have an effect on it. This is because where you put your focus is where you put your energy.

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Grounding, Consciousness Kris Cahill Grounding, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Who or what are you trying to control?

Trying to control is key here, because that’s all you can really do with most beings and situations, try to have control.

When it comes down to it, you have no control over anything outside of yourself. It’s not your job to control anyone, though you may have agreed to do so. When you are doing this to others, you are also in their space, ie: invading them. When you try to control the actions of another, or the outcome of a situation, you are in danger of losing your own energy, and of forgetting that you have much more of an effect on the situation by staying in your own space.

Many of us have controlled in order to feel safe.

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Energy Awareness, Consciousness Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Consciousness Kris Cahill

The present time is real time

Everything is happening right now in this present moment.

All of the excitement that is available, can be felt right now. Because feeling is a present time activity, right now is the only time you can feel anything. The senses of the body work in present time, because your body is always in present time. The phrases ‘I saw something yesterday’ and ‘I will hear something tomorrow’ describe the past or the future, and neither is happening right now.

When it’s happening now, you have some influence over it, a choice.

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The peace in your heart becomes peace on earth

It isn’t all that difficult to create an atmosphere of peace on earth.

Each of us can do this, daily. When you and I carry the energy of peace along with us, we’re bringing healing energy wherever we go. This becomes a gift to whomever we see, whether we know them personally or not.

Not only that, but each of our individual loads is lighter as a result of choosing to carry peace along on our daily travels. This is because peaceful energy is a much lighter and brighter vibration than non-peaceful energy. Peace is a conscious energy.

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Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

10 unconscious habits that hold you back, and how you can transform them

One of the main 'side effects' of becoming conscious is the transformation and changing out of personal habits.

Most of us have an unconscious habit or two that we'd like to change. As we become more aware of how our energy gets sucked into these programmed habits, we more easily shift our energy into doing things differently, and we change.

Daily habits are routines that are part of our lives, with varying degrees of awareness attached to them.

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Creativity, Consciousness Kris Cahill Creativity, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Have you had your daily dose of beauty?

Did you know that beauty is your birthright?

You live on a gorgeous planet, after all. You are fully equipped to experience the earth's beauty through all of your senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. The earth is only too happy to indulge you; this earth is a cornucopia of delights, a paradise.

If you’re in the midst of a busy day, hitting stress and challenges along the way, getting your daily dose of beauty can make all the difference in how you feel. You can take a few minutes to slow down and look, listen, taste, touch, and smell. An added bonus is that your senses will remind you that you are a human being, with a body.

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With spirit there are no borders

Can you imagine a day when human beings can learn to live together without needing to judge, divide, or exploit each other?

Perhaps on that day, we won’t need to compartmentalize each other. When we choose to work with spirit, value judgments won’t be made based on how much wealth a person has been able to amass, or on the color of his skin, the language she speaks, the way each chooses to dress.

We won’t make it our business to worry about the relationships people choose to have, and whether their choices pass judgment.

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Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill

The fine art of free will

The choice you make in any situation will depend on the choices you see before you.

Yes, you do have free will, and are free to choose what you want, but what choices are on your menu? Sometimes you might believe you have no choice because none of the available options you see appeal to you. Remember that not choosing is also a choice.

What about the choices you can’t see?

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