Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Healing yourself by becoming you, from the inside out
There are as many ways to heal as there are human beings on this planet.
We have the power to heal ourselves, and we don’t have to do it all by ourselves. Only you can decide what is healing for you, and how healing looks for you.
When it's time to commit, and when it's time to let go
Should you stay, or should you go?
Is what you are committing your energy to, still working for you? I am the last person to tell you what you should do. You may have a few well-meaning folks who are only trying to … ahem - help, by making sure you know what you should do.
Are you allowed to know your own truth?
Are you the one who’s in charge of knowing what’s true for you?
When your truth is inconvenient for someone, they will try to convince you that they know best what’s true for you. If you allow others to convince you that what you know isn't true, you’re letting them curate your truth for you.
An attitude of certainty will get you there
The energy of certainty can be defined as having ownership.
What you choose to own in your life, is up to you. Being certain doesn’t mean you have to be perfect or prove your case to anyone else. Certainty has more to do with your confidence level. Do you believe in what you are saying? Are you able to be certain about your own next step? Have you cleared the doubt out of your way?
Certainty is a vibration of energy.
When you show up to do the work
When you show up to do the work of becoming you, you put your energy back into yourself, and into your life.
This is when you invest in your own future, as well as your present. When you do this, you are able to perform miracles, such as healing yourself from events in your past that have lingered, places where you left parts of yourself behind.
When you release your energy from those places, you can have it back now, where it can really do some good for you.
Are you really who they say you are?
They’ve been doing it your whole life, letting you know who you are and how you fit in.
Are you really who, and how, others say you are? It’s not that anyone means you any harm by telling you these things. After all, you’ve probably done the same for others. It can be a great validation and comfort to be accepted into a group.
Belonging can help you feel safe, which is why it's so difficult to pull away from the group identity. You might even belong to a group you love to hate, yet can’t seem to step away from. You get sucked back in every time you try.
Your authenticity heals and transforms your world
What happens when you dive into the depths of yourself and find your authenticity?
When you get very honest about who you are right now, what changes for you? When you question what’s real and authentic for yourself, you choose to look deeper than the surface of things. You grow when you choose to follow your spirit’s truth. When you answer your own deepest questions truthfully, you’re willing to see clearly now, to drop your old illusions.
Is your self image in present time with you?
One of the most important aspects of you as a being, is how you see yourself.
Your self image becomes your way of being in the world. How you see yourself matters to your life, and to your enjoyment of being you. Nobody else can convince you that you are worthy, or that it’s okay for you to have your life for yourself, if you don’t believe it too.
If you see yourself as capable, you’re more likely to reach out for something you want, and you’re more willing to take risks. When you have a present time positive self image, it’s easier to step out and be seen, and to shine.
Forgiveness leads to trust
What if you decide to forgive and let go? What if others do the same?
Simply by forgiving each other and especially our own selves, we go a long way to creating more trust in the world. Forgiveness is a big part of learning to trust.
On becoming aware: consciousness and unconsciousness
When awareness dawns on you, is it like watching the sun rise?
Upon becoming aware, what had been hidden under cover of darkness is now fully exposed in the light. Once you see it, it’s hard to pretend that it doesn’t exist.