Clairvoyance, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

How I learned to see myself clearly, and to love what I see

Ever since childhood, I’ve been deeply committed to having my creativity in my life.

As a young woman freshly graduated from art school, I created a fashion and costume business, which was my dream. I was making a living as an artist and designer, and hanging out with artists of all kinds. It was fascinating and fun, and exactly what I’d set out to do.

But I was often invalidated and insecure about myself and my creations, and had the feeling that I wasn’t good enough.

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Know Yourself, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

Ain’t nobody’s business if I have peace within

Wouldn't it be nice to live your life without worrying about other people's opinions and judgments all of the time?

What if you didn’t care what others thought about you? Can you imagine the freedom you'd create for yourself by not caring about or needing other people's approval? If you lived unconcerned about the judgment coming from others who have a strong opinion about what everyone else needs to be doing, you'd create a lot more peace within yourself. If you don't give the gossip and uncomfortable judgments a place to land, they can't spread very far.

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Energy Awareness, Consciousness Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Consciousness Kris Cahill

The most valuable gifts can't be bought

The most sought after and precious gifts you can give won’t cost you a dime.

You can’t buy them online or at the mall. What's more, these valuable gifts are available for you to give freely, anytime. You don't need to wait for a special occasion. One size fits all, and no matter who you give these gifts to, they are a good fit. There’s no worries about gift receipts, returns, or guessing whether your gift will be the right one.

And what’s even better – when you give one of these to someone else, you give the same to yourself.

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Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

10 unconscious habits that hold you back, and how you can transform them

One of the main 'side effects' of becoming conscious is the transformation and changing out of personal habits.

Most of us have an unconscious habit or two that we'd like to change. As we become more aware of how our energy gets sucked into these programmed habits, we more easily shift our energy into doing things differently, and we change.

Daily habits are routines that are part of our lives, with varying degrees of awareness attached to them.

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With spirit there are no borders

Can you imagine a day when human beings can learn to live together without needing to judge, divide, or exploit each other?

Perhaps on that day, we won’t need to compartmentalize each other. When we choose to work with spirit, value judgments won’t be made based on how much wealth a person has been able to amass, or on the color of his skin, the language she speaks, the way each chooses to dress.

We won’t make it our business to worry about the relationships people choose to have, and whether their choices pass judgment.

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Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill

A psychic spills the beans about the power of clairvoyance

This is why I want the world to be able to see more clearly.

Simply put, clairvoyance is the ability to see energy clearly. It is a human ability, and is available to anyone who wants to have it for him or herself. The power of clairvoyance is in the seeing, which begins with deciding to look.

There are a few key elements to clairvoyance that are important to keep in mind, call them guidelines if you will.

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A spiritual hello can help remind you of who you really are

You may already know how good it feels to receive a real hello.

When someone gives you a true, non-judgmental hello, she or he is giving you a spiritual hello. That person is saying hello to the true you, and that can be a beautiful feeling, and a healing for you.

When another person says hello to you, to the real you, it feels nice. You are welcomed and included, you are being seen. You’re being acknowledged for existing as you are right here and now, and for having value.

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Clairvoyance, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill

I’ll have my non-judgment with a side of kindness please

As a clairvoyant student, I was trained in the art of non-judgment.

In order to see clairvoyantly, it is necessary to look without judging.

Non-judgment is also called neutrality. The ability to see neutrally is already within each of us, and we can decide to use it.

Looking at something or someone without judging means that it’s easier to see what’s really there. My clairvoyant training reminded me that I had the ability to see without judgment, and as soon as I began to work from this part of myself, my clairvoyant ability developed into a beautiful gift for my daily life.

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Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill

Why is clairvoyance so impolite?

When you were a small child, you might have been told to not stare at people, especially strangers, because it was impolite.

You might have wondered what the big deal was – you were just looking, after all.

If you’ve ever been stared at by a little kid, you know the feeling of being seen.

When that child looks at you, he is using his clairvoyance to see the real you, and isn't judging you the way that older people do when they look. She isn’t worried about your skin color, or what you are wearing, or what kind of car you’re driving. He doesn’t care about your economic standing, what neighborhood you’re from, or what school you attend.

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Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill

What have you agreed to have?

Can you have for yourself the beauty, wealth, health, happiness, peace, freedom, and love that exist in endless quantities in this Universe?

Can you trust in something you don't yet have and perhaps can't see, but know in your heart is possible?

Or do you control the number of gifts you accept, saying to yourself, 'that's enough now, I shouldn't have more, I don't want to be greedy'. So you make bargains with yourself and others, perhaps unconsciously, that you'll only have so much, because you know, fairness.

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