Peace starts within you
You have the power to create peace in your world.
Perhaps you don’t think that you have any power when it comes to making peace happen in your lifetime, but you do, and it all begins within you. How does it work? It all begins with the energy you choose to bring along.
You already know that you are affected by the energy of other human beings, both positively and negatively. What other people choose to bring with them, will affect the environment you are in.
Who broke the rules?
A recent post at this blog, ‘Who made the rules you follow?’, examined some of the unwritten social rules that we follow, both consciously and unconsciously.
These rules are agreements by which we live our lives. As we have seen throughout human history, breaking a social rule can lead to punishment ranging in seriousness from being ostracized or shunned, to excommunication, banishment, imprisonment, or even execution.
Despite the threats of punishment, there are many who broke the rules, and thereby transformed the old agreements.
On making psychic predictions
Some psychics proudly proclaim their accuracy in making psychic predictions.
There is a great demand for predictions about the future, especially when everything is changing so rapidly that it's hard to keep up. People want to know what’s going to happen next, and when. Psychics are expected to predict the future, and this is what a lot of people think a psychic reading is supposed to be about.
Human beings fear the unknown because we cannot control it. For that matter, we have no control over what we already know, but that doesn't stop us from trying to exert all of that pointless control.
Notes on becoming a conscious psychic
How did you know you are psychic?
I've been asked this more times than I can remember. Though the question is often directed at me personally, it’s really more about the person asking it. Maybe she is interested in psychic energy and abilities, and has probably had some experiences with them. There is a desire to know more. Often the questioner is trying to make sense of their experiences: are they real?
Before I ever knew what it meant, I was already psychic, but I wasn't yet a conscious psychic. The experiences I'd had weren't real to me.
Who made the rules you follow?
We are all, each of us, fortunate to know different kinds of people.
It can be so much fun to hang out with friends and family, bounce ideas off of each other, share our lives and our thoughts, and be part of a group of people, a community. There are many amazing people to meet and get to know. No two humans are exactly alike, and we need the differences in opinion, outlooks, likes and dislikes, that we bring to each other.
Everything happens in the present time
It isn’t happening yesterday, and it’s not tomorrow yet.
What is happening is doing so now, in this moment, in this present time.
Some event may have happened yesterday that is affecting this moment now. As a matter of fact, every event that happened yesterday does affect now. Every choice made, every word said, every thought, is having its effect on you in this moment.
Whatever you chose: from the food you ate to the quality of sleep you had last night, to whether you’ve been able to let go of stress and worries, and so on. You are reading this article now.
When you show up to do the work
When you show up to do the work of becoming you, you put your energy back into yourself, and into your life.
This is when you invest in your own future, as well as your present. When you do this, you are able to perform miracles, such as healing yourself from events in your past that have lingered, places where you left parts of yourself behind.
When you release your energy from those places, you can have it back now, where it can really do some good for you.
What’s your body’s status update today?
If you asked your body right now to give you a status update, what would it say?
Would you hear something along the lines of ‘Happy today, feeling good with pretty toes!’, or perhaps more like ‘Tired sluggish blah want some more coffee or a nap’? If you haven’t given this matter much thought recently, or have the idea that it isn’t up to you, that it’s out of your control, you may want to sit up and take notice of your body.
Your body’s attitude and energy at any given moment has a lot to do with you, and you have enormous power to help and heal your own body.
Surrender to the healing gifts your spirit can bring
The greatest surrender seen in recent times has been a surrender to the spirit.
Many people are finding themselves, through no conscious effort of their own, forced to sit and be. Whether through job loss, illness, or other circumstances, people are having to stop moving. What happens when you stop Do-ing? There is a great chance that you can start Be-ing!
The biggest changes happening now are inside each one of us. There is a major redefinition that can occur within when this happens. An easy and elegant way to work on this for yourself is through a regular meditation practice. Meditation is like having a conversation with yourself, and with your body.
Who or what are you trying to control?
Trying to control is key here, because that’s all you can really do with most beings and situations, try to have control.
When it comes down to it, you have no control over anything outside of yourself. It’s not your job to control anyone, though you may have agreed to do so. When you are doing this to others, you are also in their space, ie: invading them. When you try to control the actions of another, or the outcome of a situation, you are in danger of losing your own energy, and of forgetting that you have much more of an effect on the situation by staying in your own space.
Many of us have controlled in order to feel safe.
What do you do when you’re feeling stuck?
You have had the opportunity to experience what it's like to feel stuck.
When you’re feeling stuck, nothing is working. You are failing, and/or things are falling apart. All of your efforts are in vain. You can’t seem to get out of this rut you’ve somehow landed in. You feel frustration, discomfort, anxiety, stress, invalidation, and worried about what will happen if you stay stuck.
Worst of all, there is no instruction manual or set of instructions on getting unstuck. You just don’t know what to do. How do you make this time of being stuck go away?
A simple guide to the 7 main chakras
Chakras are energy centers contained within you as part of your energy system.
You have seven main chakras lined up along your spine, from the tailbone up to the top of your head. Each of these chakras contains information about your spiritual abilities. Each is tied in with various organs and parts of the body as well. You also have chakras in the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands.
When your chakras are healthy and you are able to access the information contained within them, they are in movement, spinning. It is when they are in movement that you can use them.